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"How did you get here so fast? I thought I would've had to wait a whole week, but four days? That's not too bad." Diakoku said, breaking the silence between us.

"We took a train. Way faster than I anticipated." I nodded with my statement, but made sure to keep my distance from the boy.

"I bet." He cut the conversation short. He stopped in the middle of the street turning around towards my group. He smiled sinisterly and Nezuko growled at him. "A demon traveling with a human? My my you broke their code Nezuko! I thought you knew better than this." His right foot stepped out and it sent the siblings flying into one of the buildings. They were made out of clay so the impact couldn't have been comfortable.

"This is your trap huh?" Your hunting grounds." I say. "Teleportation and shapeshifting? What kind of demon are you?" My hand gripped my sword tightly as I unsheathe it. His right-hand swung the air and I ducked. But it was not for a hit. A gust of wind pushed me further back causing me to topple over a set of stairs on the road.

"Not shapeshifting," his smile turned evil, "possession." My heart dropped at his word. Did he steal Diakoku's body? "Unfortunately I wasn't able to devour his soul completely. I hadn't had enough time to do so, thanks to that train of yours." Inosuke finally jumped to action.

"Breath of the beast: Fourth fang, mince to bits!" He yelled, charging at the demon. With every slash the demon endured, the more he healed his injuries. But there's only so much healing a demon can do in a human body. Zenitsu cried out in terror at the sight of the demon.

"I felt it but I thought it was just Nezuko! H-how did you?" Inosuke questioned,

"It's the possession you idiot! He concealed himself within my brother's body. He's still there so be careful Inosuke!"

"A demons a demon! You gotta kill it!" He yelled jumping back. Him? Kill my brother? My eyes widened at the thought and tears started to form in my eyes.

"N-No!" I lunged at Inosuke and held him back before he could do any more damage to my brother. I wasn't going to let some strangers harm him. Though I do consider them friends.

"Damn girl! Do you know what you're doing?" Inosuke yelled. But my cries drowned him out. The demon laughed at my desperation.

"You think you can save your brother? Three-quarters of his soul is gone, child. You think you can get him back with that much left?"

"Let me go dammit! Let me kill it!" Inosuke yelled. Slashing around in my grip.

"S-stop it!" I yelled. My body acted upon its own, lifting him up over my head until his body came crashing onto the hard floor. This caught both the demon and Inosuke in surprise.

"A Suplex!?" I heard Zenitsu yell. Tanjiro sprung back into action. With the demon surprised, he took this time to almost slash the demon's head off. But the demon dodged at just the right moment.

"Phew, that was close." He said. My eyes landed on his figure on the rooftops. Teleportation again?

"T-Tanjiro! Don't hurt him! Please!" I begged. I left Inosukes shaking mad form and chased Tanjiro and Diakoku from the ground when they were on the roofs. My hand gripped my sword as I swiftly climbed my way up to the roof.

"Breath of water: second form, Water wheel!" Tanjiro's body shifted in a circular motion with his sword in hand.

"Ah ah ah Tanjiro, this human body has healing limitations. You wouldn't want to make little (Y/n) sad over there would you? What if I were to tell you there was a possibility of bringing him back?" Diakoku said, stopping Tanjiro in his movements completely. "Cool. Not that there is." He shifted his right leg once again to send Tanjiro flying through the air again.

"Sorry!" I cried out.

"What am I going to do with you huh?" He asked as he lunged at me. I dodged it with my sword. I pivoted backward and the demon lost its balance, falling forward. A move my brother taught me. The back of my sword found its way to the back his head. My hand was placed the back of his neck and I pinned him to the ground with his own momentum.

Inosuke came around again. Seeing the perfect moment to take the demons life. He went to slice with his signature laugh of confidence but he missed. I rolled away, with Diakoku trapped by my hand and body weight in tow.

"Damn girl! You even said yourself earlier that the mission must be done! Yet you're protecting the demon!" Inosuke yelled.

"I know!" I said gritting my teeth. I shifted my body to where I was holding his neck in front of him. Gaining my grip, I begin to lift his body. Before he could even register what was happening to him, he was thrown to a far building. His nail had scratched me cheek during his flight.

Tanjiro stood on the roof of the building that Diakoku had been thrown to, looking down at the damage the fall caused. "Look what we have here." I heard Diakoku say from the alley he fell into. I could see Tanjiro's eyes widen a bit before he immediately jumped down into the alley. Clashes could be heard.

Inosuke had started to run towards the fight and I followed. I had forgotten that I wasn't as agile as Inosuke was and slipped when attempting to make a jump. I yelped at the surprise. I shut my eyes tightly expecting impact but instead I was met with arms.

Nezuko's growls filled my ears. And the sharpness of her eyes made my heart pound. How intimidating. "Over there!" I said, pointing to the direction of the fight. Instead, she went in the opposite direction. "Nezuko stop!" I yelled. But she held me tighter in her arms. After a long fight, I managed to break free. "Why?" I cried. "He's my brother dammit! Shouldn't I be the one to kill him?!"

Nezuko's eyes softened in understanding. Tears started to form in her own eyes but she brushed them away. "Hmph!" She said agreeingly. I yet again started my way back to the boys, Nezuko behind me. I understood what she did. Trying to take me away from the death of my sibling. Something that neither her, or Tanjiro, could escape.

Only a few moments later, we arrived at the scene. Zenitsu was scratched and on the ground. Looked like he fell more than he fought. Tanjiro was deflecting the multiple slashes that came from the demon's own sword. "Nezuko!" He yelled.
Original release date: April 26 2020

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