Waking up.... in the woods?!

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( some language :) )

It was a beautiful sunset for the wind was warm and the woods where full with the sounds of nature. Birds chirping as there was a kid having fun with some friends in the woods, they stumbled on the body of someone who seems to be asleep.. on the ground, but covered with scratches and ripping clothes. 

Upon seeing this the kids had nothing but a questioned and confused look on their faces. Why was there someone sleeping in the woods? But the biggest question was what happened?... why was their clothes ripped? ...why were there scratches on them? ...where did they come from? and how did they get here? but nothing could prepare them from the sounds coming from farther within the woods. It was like something or someone was coming towards them and it was not a nice feeling. All the kids could think was to run away from it and back to their houses where it was safe... so that's what they did. 

Once back to one of the kids houses they were feeling guilt for leaving whoever it was that was sleeping there. But what could they do, they where kids. All they could wonder now was what has become of them.. and what was that in the woods that was making that noise.


-Your Pov-

'ah my fucken head.. the fuck'

As I sat up I looked around 'where am I?' I thought as I was now fully awake and felt the coldness of the dirt and leafs under my hand... "Am I in the woods?!" As I spoke my throat was burning, it felt like I was running for hours as my throat was burning non stop. 

"I need water" I spoke in a raspy voice, and damn did that sound horrible.

'how did I end up in the woods anyway?' I question. 'My clothes are ripped and my body aches everywhere.. what the hell happened?' It was dark now as I could see the last bit of light leave the sky which left me in the dark.... in the woods. 

"ju-just great" I coughed, 'I need some god damn water' was all I could think of now but just my luck I see the street lights as if god heard my small prayer. 


As the teen began their way out of the woods with water in their mind. They began walking and find a park where they knew a water fountain would be there.. hopefully. But to more of their luck there was and ran up the last bit of energy trying to get to that water fountain, once getting mouthfuls of that 'holy water' they sat on the floor taking in deep breaths

Once again they thought of how they got in the woods in the first place.. that's when it hits them like bricks to the face.

They couldn't remember anything.

It freaked them out to the point where they could only recall the basics, their name and last name and that was about it.. couldn't even remember if they had parents or siblings, hell if they had any family of any sorts. It scared them and the next thing on their mind was to find a police station to get help, maybe their family has put a missing persons report and looking for them. 

It took a few calls to get peoples attention for someone to give them directions to where the police station was. It was a long walk to get to the police station but thankfully it was open. Having hope in their eyes they made their way to the doors getting chills for some reason as they walk in. 

"hello how can I help you" A officer spoke who now stop taking to the receptionist at the front desk, but soon got a good look at them and ran up to bring them up to a chair near by. As the receptionist called for some officers to come over the the front desk.

"Hey love what happened?" The officer asked in a sweet voice taking a seat themselves. Turning to face the teen who still has a confused look. "My name is Jane... could you tell me your name hun" The officer spoke again in a loving voice but with a hint of concern.

"My... my name is (your name), (your name)/Your last name)"

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