I don't know what to do

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++ hi everyone sorry for not updating as much as i would have liked too I had somethings going on but over all i hope you like this chapter sorry if there are any mistakes :) ++

-Reader's POV-

I felt like something or someone was staring at me and that's what woke me up but didn't open my eyes.. I was afraid of what was there if I did. I didn't know what to do but a few minutes went by I thought as I was counting and that felling was gone, guess whatever that was.. was gone too? I opened one eye and saw nothing, both my eyes open now as I sat up I looked around and saw nothing but a empty living room. The feeling of eyes on me was still there even when I tried to go back to sleep, 'guess I'll just stay awake then' but something kept me wondering what was it that was looking at me? Maybe one of the boys was just checking one me or something like that right? but I'll just ask them when they're awake in the morning. I huddled myself in the blanket as I was just thinking about everything that had happened to me not realizing how the sun was slowly peeking through the window.

"..... /n)... (y/n).........ay" I felt someone shaking my shoulder as I looked up. 

"Hey you ok? we've been calling out to you" masky said with his hands crossed while toby was the one shaking me. 'guess I was out of it huh' I thought.

"sorry.. I was just spaced out I guess" I said facing both of them.

"well if you need to ask something just say, alright" Masky 'looked' at me as he walking outside closing the door behind him it was hand to tell if it was at me or somewhere else with his mask on him. 'he sounded a bit annoyed with me' I thought.

"hey d-don't worry to much a-bout masky he c-ca-can be like that sometimes so don't think th-that he hates you" toby gave me a closed eyed smile I think.. but when his mask moved a bit I think that's a smile right , in return I gave one back. 

"Do umm do you know where hoodie is? I said getting up folding my blanket as I set it on the couch walking with toby to the kitchen to eat something.

"No guess he went out or s-something" He twitched as he looked back at me. "or he might just need some time alone, co-come on let's eat" I gave a smile , he gestured me to take a sit which I pulled a chair and sat looking at toby looking in the fridge.

"Imma h-have some waffles and ic-ice cream if you want some too?" he suggested as he pulled out a tub of ice cream from the freezer. "Sounds yummy" I said. 'at least I'm getting along with toby just fine' I thought. I looked outside the window that was in the kitchen to see if I could at least see masky outside or hoodie if he was outside too but I couldn't see anyone, where could they be though? just as I thought I might not even get along with them as both seem closed off with me unlike toby. Toby placed a place with 2 waffles stacked on top with a scoop of (whatever ice cream flavor you like) on top of them. 

"eat up" toby said just staring at me then his plate. "You kn-ow I've read about you right... I know how you look like toby" I said with a chuckle "You don't scare me" I said with a smile. "Alright" Toby spoke as he pulled down his mask as then gave me a smile. 'he sure smiles a lot today, but his smile is sooo cute' I thought as I cut my waffles eating them with the cold dessert while toby was done with 1 of them alright... damn must be that hungry. 

"so what do t-think of knowing we exist?" Toby turned his head to look at me i think i heard his neck crack which sounded a bit unpleasant. "Well..... I haven't read much about almost everyone yet, I mean I was about to read ben's story but that's when my laptop just cut out and went to static which then made me kill my dad.. so yea" I looked up at toby to see he was just listening and it felt weird how I just said I killed my father after that happened, like it was something that unbothered me.

"You know, I killed my dad.. but for a different reason so don't fe-feel like a m-monster... so don't fell like you're alone on that p-part, we all killed someone but  e-everyone soon becomes crazy and lose it j-just like that" Toby snapped his finger looked back at his plate finishing what was left.

"you just haven't got-gotten there yet" toby said

'what did he mean about yet 'I thought..... "what do you mean, about yet I asked. 

Toby just got up and walked pulling his plate in the sink. "....Umm" toby turned facing me.

"It means that you'll be like us s-soon if it wasn't that obvious" toby turned away.

I turned around to see masky as he closed the door. I was wide-eyed.

"It's not that b-bad.. I mean you could fi-finally have a family again, r-right" Toby said trying to lighten up the mood walking in between us. "Yeah one new member to this fucking family" Masky sounded sarcastic when he that. 

"no... But I-" I was cut off by masky, "Well you kinda are now, you killed someone.. remember, not to mention by Slender's orders so yeah you are now part of this shit of family,  Welcome (Y/n) (Y/L/N), welcome to the family of crazy killers" Masky just sat on the couch facing me and toby. 

"But why me.. Like there are other people who kill more then me and are more crazier-" Again I was cut off by masky. 

"Well what do you want to hear, he just likes to fuck up people's lifes for fun or for whatever he needs" masky just chuckles seeing how I reacted with what he just said.

"Al-right masky j-just stop.. sometimes his intensions are g-good" Toby just looked at me with 'sorry eyes'.

"Look w-hy don't we go an-and change your bandages" Toby grab my shoulders and sat me on the couch across from masky as he went to get new bandages from the bathroom, masky was still looking at me. "what's your problem with me?" I said. "I don't know, But I'd like to know why my buddy has been acting weird with you lately.. like to maybe know about that" Masky leaned forward, elbows on his knees like he was interrogating me.

"Come on don't tell me you haven't noticed" Masky was giving a somewhat cold glare at me giving the room a intense tension between me and him, with him just staring at me wanting an answer from me.

"Masky stop it" 

Toby almost dropped what was in his hands looking at who was in the door as all three of us saw hoodie just staring at maksy who just looked the opposite direction leaning back with his arms crossed.

"Sorry I went for a walk around this morning, Didn't know we were interrogating them" Hoodie sounded annoyed with the stunt masky did. "I just asked a question and wanted (y/n) to answer it no big deal", "well we c-can't right now we have to ch-change their bandages right hoodie?!" toby walked over to me with things in hand as he place them down next to me.

'sometimes I don't know what to do to get on masky's good side' I thought, maybe he's just always like this about things.

"yea ..(y/n) can you lift your shirt so we can get it over with?" Hoodie asked as he walked over to me. "Yea, sorry I've been spacing out a bit today" I apologized lifting me shirt half way.. I just don't wanna get killed yet.

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