To the hospital I guess

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-Readers Pov-

"why" I said. 'why wouldn't a mother want to know if their child is ok or not' I thought... 'what if she doesn't remember me like I can't remember her?!' a other thought ran up but not one more could come make me more stressful because Jane spoke "We can take you the hospital if you'd like". Taking a hold of my shaky hand on the table. 

"I would love that" I said trying to have a small smile on my face. 'But that couldn't change the fact a mother wouldn't worry about their missing child... especially with them being missing for 3 days'. I thought


With the 2 cops in the front and the teen in the back, Jim started the car as they all bulked in. As the drive was calm and quiet (y/n) was looking out the window and looking to see the sun now rising, 'has it been that long already?' They thought.

But it seemed like a short ride to (y/n) because they arrived at the front of the hospital with Jim just dropping them off Because there was work still to be done at the station. Now that Jim drove off it was only Jane and (y/n) walking inside the hospital. (y/n) looked around the room, it was quiet and cold but it didn't mind as (y/n) could now see their mom. 

"Hello there we're here to see (M/name) (last name)" Jane said the receptionist at the desk. 

"Um well her room is 223 but I don't know if there can be any visitors since the sun is barely rising" they said looking outside mentioning that it was still early.

"Well it's an emergency" Jane spoke with a glare. 'damn now that's why I felt uneasy sometimes... Jane may be sweet and all but she has a dark side especially with that glare' (y/n) thought looking at Jane but now at the receptionist. 

"Alright alright" they spoke giving us visitor stickers to put on as we walked through the halls.


"Get them away you don't know what they've done! You can't let them in!" I hear someone scream from the room they're approaching. A nurse came out of the room with their face having a tried looked now changed to a smile welcoming us. "I'm assuming your the visitor's kid huh, Mrs (Y/L/N)'s kid" they spoke with a tired voice.. not matching the smile they put on.

"Yeah" I said.. still wondering who my mom was talking about... was it who killed dad and put her in this condition? 

The nurse opened the door to let us in the room. There.. it was a woman who I'm assuming is my mom, she was facing away from us curled up with her knees to her chest as we walk toward her. She has the same hair color  and style as me.. like I was staring at myself from behind, guess I got that from from her.

"Mom" I spoke.. I sounded like I was on the verge of tearing up.  As I was now on the other side of the bed she was facing, but I kinda wish she looked at me like any loving mother would their child because as soon as she looked at me she was shaking her head then looked up at me dead in the eyes.

"Get away from me!!" She screamed. 'why... what happened?' I thought wanting to reach out to her. She then looked at Jane standing next to me. 

"Officer officer please, please get them away they- they were the one that killed my husband!" she yelled again getting up from the bed walking away from both me and Jane. 'what' I thought.. 'me, I killed my dad...... but I- I don't remember anything I was missing for 3 days and I can't remember anything other then today and last night' I thought again what could have happen 3 days ago.

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