What is this feeling?

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Morning turned into the afternoon as the proxies and of course their new member spent all morning talking and getting to know more about each other and y/n got to know their teammates better. 

The cabin was echoing with laughs coming from the proxies as they told jokes and some wacky stories about some parts of their missions they had. 'Even though they're killers they.. all are just normal people with a fucken up life and see each other as family' y/n thought. 

"Anyone a little hungry?" Masky said as he got up and headed towards the kitchen. Toby got up and followed as both hoodie and y/n got up the couch and help them take a seat on the table. Masky got what looked like ingredients to make a sandwich. "looks like we have the things to make sandwiches." masky spoke making toby hold most of the things, both walking towards the table and set the things down. 

"Here go y/n" toby twitched as he passed y/n 2 slides of bread. "thank you toby" They said. 

All 4 proxies began making their own sandwich with whatever there was on the table that masky and toby brought from the cabinets. Now once they were all done the took bites of their sandwiches, toby eating it like he hasn't eating in weeks while masky lifted his mask up to his mouth taking bites as he laughed seeing toby almost done with his sandwich. Hoodie just enjoyed the moment eating his not wanting to say anything and taking glances at y/n when he could and not making it any suspicion that his did. 

y/n felt like they were in a nice get-together with friends and it made them feel safe.. a sense of comfort in the moment. 

hoodie turned to toby and said "I'll put everything away and masky can clean up, so why don't you make y/n somewhat comfortable on the couch so they can get some sleep alright." "ok" toby responded. Going to help them get a good nights sleep as they walked to the living room. 

Toby lead y/n to a closet where there was blankets and some covers to put on the couch. Toby helped carried the blankets while y/n got a pillow as they both made their way back over to the living room. After a few minutes of toby making the couch nice and comfortable he left to his room as he said a goodnight to them while y/n sat there seeing hoodie and masky also leaving to their rooms to go sleep and said a goodnight to y/n as well.

y/n layed down on the couch and stared at the broken window that was 'fixed' with some wood that nailed it place, all the moments that happened just from remembering what caused that to happen. y/n was a bit scared but knowing masky, toby and hoodie where here this time they felt a bit safe in some way. 

-While in hoodie's room-

Hoodie stared at the ceiling of his room thinking about saving y/n from the rake just a few hours ago, Lots of thoughts ran through his head... bad ones. 

'what if I wasn't there in time and they died.. or if they got severely hurt just because I couldn't make it on time' He thought all that but just calmed himself down thinking the positive. 

" They're save and that's all that matters.. breathing well and is healing fine" He told himself not to worry to much thinking this as the pain in his chest wouldn't go away... but it was a different kind of pain. Hoodie just couldn't let it go so he sat up from his bed.

-Hoodie's Pov-

'what am I doing here?' I thought.... 'I don't know why I'm here I know they're save so why am I here, Looking over them sleeping.. Like a creep- I mean I am great at stalking cause it's my job but why now and why them? I thought again, I kneeled down next to their sleeping body just looking at them sleep, 'knowing I saved them and that they're doing well makes me feel better in some way.' " I really gotta stop talking to myself" I realized I said that out loud and saw y/n turn in their sleep but didn't wake up 'Thank you' I told myself. I look at them once more. 

They were sleeping peacefully, I felt hot all of a sudden when I thought of that.. I didn't realize I put my hand on their head. I got up and waked back to my room closing the door behind me as I did so. I sat on my bed thinking of what I just did... "what is this feeling, why am I  feeling it especially when I look at y/n- no, No It can't be. NO". 

(sorry it's short just couldn't think of much for this chap)

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE hope everyone had a nice day over all see you all on my next chapter. :)

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