The truth

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Jane was finally able to get free from the seat-beat as she crawled over the shattered glass to get to (y/n) unbuckling the seat-beat around them. As Jane got (y/n) over her shoulder she began to walk but was limping with the weight on them on their shoulder. 

Seeing the dead bodies on the parking lot just made Jane want to run, but even if she wanted to she couldn't.. not in the condition she's in. Falling over after her legs gave out she collapsed with them beside her, see as the same people that were at the police station found them she was determined to get up and run with (y/n). Once again she got up and that was when they started to wake up but still wasn't fully wake. 

"(y/n) wa-wake up come on" Jane whispered not having enough energy left as they fell with (y/n) now being fully wake and alert they looked only to see they proxies already close that it was to late to run now.

"R-run (y/n) run and never look back... I'll hold them off, go" Jane spoke in that once sweet voice giving that same smile she did when they first met.

"I.. I can't just leave you here" (y/n) choked up as they spoke. With the Proxies behind them it was too late from them to run.


-Reader's Pov-

Accepting fate I go up as faced them

"listen.... I'll go with you but you left her live" I said looking at Jane with a soft caring look.

"look Jane it's ok... I'll be ok, if I know your alive it's all I need to be ok" I said wanting to reassure her that It'll be ok.

"NO!' Jane yelled pulling me back down near her.

We were all near the entrance of the woods, slender was there looking at us.

'We can not let any survivors knew we exist, sorry my child' slender told us. Looking at Jane I can tell she wasn't expecting to live... she was accepting it, just like what she told me what Jim did.. I didn't want that for Jane I couldn't I won't.

Feeling a hand grab my arm tightly I knew what was about to happen. The shock on my face couldn't leave my face as I was pulled away from Jane not being able to pull away.

"n-NO!" I yelled.

"(y/n) promise me you'll be ok and live a life me and Jim could be proud of, don't let us die in vain... Goodbye (y/n)" Jane said with a smile and tears going down her face as the man in the yellow hood took out his gun.

Jane was on her knees as I was being held down by someone not being able to move away. Jane was killed by a bullet going through her head as that moment happened the shot echoed through my mind. In that moment my mind went blank as I couldn't feel anything from that point on.. like I was in a trance not able to move my body, but I was walking... walking with them far off into the woods. Feeling the leafs crunch under my feet as we walked, I wanted to see Jane..... wanted to put her to be at peace, not just leave them on the cold ground but I still couldn't move.

'why... why me, what do they want from me.. or better yet what were they going to do to me' thoughts going through my head left and right as I was walking them.

--------- Some time later-------------

I didn't want to be here.. I still haven't gotten my memories back, but it looks like I might get answers soon.... I don't know yet. I didn't know where we were even going but I don't know how long we've been walking for, I couldn't move and don't know how long it's been. 

Now as I look from the corner of my eye I see the guy that killed Jane, Hands in his hoodie pocket looking ahead.. I wanted to kill him for killing her for what he did, But how could someone like me even kill someone who was at a police station and killed so many cops that had guns plus come back alive without getting shot once so I did not stand a chance let me be honest with myself here.

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