You want me to be your what?

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Masky and toby came back and just acted like it was a walk in the forest, to which y/n and hoodie were startled and both ran into the living room. Both masky and toby looked at each other and back at the two, Hoodie said he was going for a walk outside after he to clear his mind. he left and now it was like masky, toby and y/n they all agreed to play some uno since they had nothing else to do but eventually they had to go back to the mansion for something they were needed from slender. Toby told y/n that he and masky would send someone who wasn't busy to come over and stay with them till hoodie come back because toby was worried about leaving them alone when hoodie wasn't there like last time. They both said a short goodbye to y/n and told them not to open the door to anyone cuz the person would have a key to the cabin.

-sometime later-

As hoodie was walking along the trees he was thinking if he should even tell y/n about how his feeling or if he should just keep it a secret till these feeling pass and soon be forgot? 

Hoodie realized he was somewhere unfamiliar but saw a nice field with small amounts of flowers around the edge of the field that highlighted the pretty grassy open field that hoodie now found peace in rather quickly. He sat under a huge tree and let out a heavy sigh putting his arms behind his head as he layed against the tree trunk. Weird how he hadn't stumbled upon this place before, maybe he was focused too much on coming to and from the cabin to the mansion he just never took notice. 

It was nice hearing the birds chirp and not the yelling of everyone in the mansion. It was just a dream to have peace for a few minutes in there. It felt nice. It felt like being with them the time it was just me and y/n in my room.

'should I bring y/n here one time?' Hoodie thought.

"AAAHHHH why am I always thinking of them!!" he shouted letting out a scream and sat up holding his head in his hands, why was he thinking about them when he wanted a break from everything. 

In the end he decided to walk back but before he left he made sure to leave land marks to make sure he would remember his way back if he ever wanted somewhere quiet to relax again. 

Hoodie gets to the cabin and walks in, as soon as he opens the door a knife was thrown near his head and stuck itself to the frame of the door. He wasn't surprised but he was surprised to see Jeff there sitting in the couch next to them. It looked like he was having a talk with y/n.

"what are you doing here" hoodie said getting the knife out of the door frame. He was glaring at him with his knife at his side Hoodie wanted to throw it at him.

"what, I was just having a chat with y/n here they seem to have some of the same interest as me" He smiled looking at hoodie knowing he was having fun with this. Jeff got up and walked up to hoodie getting face to face with him, he moved his hand, his hand felt the handle of his knife and hoodie's hand, slowly gliding his fingers on the handle he felt hoodie's grip loosen on his precious knife took it off of hoodie's hand as he walked back sitting next to y/n which they didn't speak feeling the aura that was in room. 

"Masky said that he and toby were going on a mission or something, that slender needed them and told me to come over to take care this poor little defenseless kid since everyone else was busy i wasn't and offered." Jeff let out a laugh as he put his hand on y/n's head a ruffed up their hair, y/n let out a awkward chuckle looking at hoodie then feeling jeff's hand wasn't on their head they looked at jeff and seeing the two looking at each other like they want to kill each other on the spot. y/n looked back and forth seeing they were about to throw hands with the more they look at each other. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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