I'm sorry

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3 figures came close to the teen laying on the floor, passed out. Not making noise they take the knife from their hands as a taller figure came out wiping away the memories of the events that happened along with more just for the fun of it. As they turn back walking farther into the woods back to their so called home but one of them looked back staring at them before looking forward again.

They left them on the floor.. out in the woods as the taller figure had plans for them but not yet. 



Jane looked confused just as much as (y/n), Their mother was in no way capable to reason with at the moment but the words (y/n)'s mother said made them question... the blood on their clothes, if that was not only just their blood but their father's. So they left all to put (y/n)'s mother at ease and taking a cab back to the police station.

-----fixing-----At some point 2 strangers walked in un-noticed by the many cops in the station as they walk to a specific room, once in the room one kept watch while the other  took the clothes (y/n) had when they came in last night. Taking them they walked back again un-noticed as they made their way into the woods completing their mission.

Jim was there to greet Jane and (y/n) when they came back and were brought to a small room to have some lunch Jim brought them. As (y/n) sat down Jane talked to Jim about the clothes they had from the night before and ask to have the blood tested, not questioning her Jim went to go do just that.


(some language and dead bodies)


-Reader's Pov-

I sat down as I stared at the food on the table.. not having eaten anything at all since last night. I waiting for Jane so we could eat together, I saw she was talking to Jim... probably taking about what happened at the hospital. Then she walked in having a seat in-front of me as we got our first bite of food, All I had was a bit of water from last night so having a nice meal was heaven at the moment.

'but one think was still on my mind and it was what was my mom saying by me killing my dad?' 

"Hey... I was thinking, if you think differently of me I mean after what my mom said at the hospital you must be wondering now huh" I spoke in a awkward chuckle. I looked at my lap now that I was done with my food.. I had to thank Officer Jim when I see him later, I waited for Jane to say something. I just though of what might be going on in her mind, was she thinking I might have done it.. even if I did I wouldn't remember. I just stared at her now with a glare.

"Well I'm going to be honest with you.. (y/n), I do have my suspicion which is why I'm having Jim get the blood on your clothes checked right now" she spoke, but not in her soft sweet voice like she did before, it was in a more stern voice. Now I understand, she sees me as suspect of my dad's murder now.

"I'm sorry" was all she said as she got up and walked out the room not looking at me.. not once. 'Was she sorry, if she was she'd say to my face.. she'd look at me with at least a pity look or shame' I thought as I just sat in my seat now looking at my lap.

'Why was I upset by this I don't know her it's not like she's my mother, but it was the closes thing I had to a bit of a motherly figure since I don't remember my own mother and for her to just hate me now.. but not Jane she can't hate me too' 'Why must I be alone now, I can't remember nothing about myself just to end up being along when I need someone' 'why' 'Was I a bad child that I killed my dad' 'Was my dad abusive that I killed him or something' 'Or was it someone that came in and killed him' I heard the door open, that made me snap out of my thoughts as I now looked up to see Jane in a scared expression now gripping my hand as we began walking out the room where it was clear why she was scared out her mind.

"T-There's someone looking for you damn it" Jane spoke in a loud voice

"When Jim got to the room to get some blood to start and exam it he couldn't find them, and asked anyone if they got them.. only to see some people walk in and started to kill whoever was in view." she spoke but now looked at me.

"They were fucking calling your name, (y/n)!" she yelled, I could see tears start to form in the corner of her eyes. 'me?' I questioned

"We have to get you the fuck out of here, They might be included with the killing of your father I don't know" she said looking ahead with her arm still gripped around my arm dragging me to the back.

The lights were flickering on and off which made it hard to see.... we turned the corner and saw Jim on the floor, blood everywhere on the walls along with other officers on the floor. They were all facing down as I looked closer it looked like a axe or hatchet was the weapon with the imprint of the blade on their backs.. Jim sadly had the same fate as the rest. 'who could have done this?' I thought as I heard Jane's sobbing while we walking passing them. 'I didn't get to thank Jim for that food' I thought as the image of his dead body was on my mind. 

"Come on we having to get you out of here, my car should be out there" Jane spoke in a crappy voice as if that once soft angelic voice dead when she saw Jim. 'I'm sorry' was what I wanted to say but it's all I could think about but it never left my lips as we were now outside and heading to the police car, which I'm thinking is hers.


As (y/n) and Jane got in the car they heard gun shots. That was when a cop came in-front of there car begging to let them in, but just like that a bullet went through their head breaking the windshield leaving a hole as the body fall and we could only see the silhouette of a man in a yellow hoodie with a gun in hand. That's when Jane stepped on the gas and speed off far away from there not even caring about the seatbelt. (y/n) didn't have a seatbelt as they were still in shock that a person was killed in-front of them.

A short while they both got their seatbelts on. (y/n) looking out the window of the sun being in the middle of the sky making it the afternoon... it was the afternoon and seeing all this, it was a lot to take in. But there was no time to be thinking that as they looked at Jane with red eyes and dry tears on her cheeks.

"If they're coming  for me.. they probably won't hurt me or just want me dead, either way just let them have me I don't want you getting hurt or killed just to keep me from them-" "YOU THINK I WANTED TO SAVE YOU... THEY WERE GOING TO KILL JIM IF I DIDN'T HAND YOU OVER BUT JIM JUST TOLD ME TO GET YOU AND RUN, AND RUN'' she yelled at them... what- what. "I-I don't understand" (y/n) said as they felt like tearing up.


"You- YOU TOOK WHAT I LOVED IN THIS SHITTY WORLD" that was like the last straw as she broke down again stopping the car near a parking spot of a small hotel.

Now looking at them Jane just looked at them with tears still running down their face.

"I.. I never, I'm sorry" was all (y/n) mustered up to say.. they didn't know, how were they supposed to know.

"Sorry... sorry huh- I.. I don't know what to do without my partner now, why.. what the hell do they want with you to kill everyone, all my friends and Jim" Jane gave out on big sigh and taking a big deep breath in as (y/n) looked at her, feeling like it was their fault this happened somehow.

"I'm sorry" they said.

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