The reason.. Hoodie?

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-Reader's Pov-

"I want answers!" I yelled, They couldn't just give me my memories back and not give me an answers why they did what they did. 

'At this moment I can't say I have something important to take care of right now' Slender said.

"LIKE WHAT DISTORY OTHER FAMILIES!" I yelled but by that time he already left.. he better have heard me.. I'm pissed and he just leaves me without answering my question. I get up wiping my face when I realized it was just me and 'hoodie'. When I was fully on my feet he grabs my hand again leading me out of the office and down a other hallway.

We stand in-front of a door and he opens it pulling me in with him when the door closed I was scared out of my mind and wanted to scream but without a second thought my mouth was covered with his hand.

"Can you not.. I don't want them all coming to see why was there was a scream" He said again.. in a whisper.

But now coming to realization about everything again.. remembering what slenderman did, I didn't want to be here.. I just couldn't, I couldn't feel when hoodie pulling me into a tight embrace as I pull myself into him.

"Let it out I know you can't hold it in any longer.. It's ok." He spoke in a soft low tone.

That's when I cried like no tomorrow with all that just happened.. what he did- what 'I' did it was too much to bottle up and pretend like it wasn't nothing. I felt him rub my back as I grabbed his hoodie not wanted to let go, I still don't understand way Slender-man did this, was it just something fun for him to do.. was he going to turn me into a creepypasta, a proxy, was he going to kill me later'. 

Sometime later I was felling better but had my eyes close felling embarrassed my eyes might be red from crying, especially crying in-front of a killer I then felt being pulled and walked what felt like a bed, maybe his bed huh as I now opened eyes but was looking away from him.

"I have more hoodies anyway so don't worry" He spoke in a soft low tone.

"You can sleep in my room while toby, masky and I go get things for your room." Was all he said taking off his hoodie handing to me and got a other one from his drawers, putting it on and heading towards the door

"oh and.... don't leave the room unless you wanna get killed" before walking out the door closing the door.      

With that I didn't want to wait or stay awake to know what was beyond the walls of hoodie's room, but I did have in mind was the fact that the Creepypastas and slender, the proxies and all that were real. Which meant I knew what I don't wanna be messing with, so I went to try and sleep. 

I woke up feeling something lay with me making me shriek and fall off the bed.. looking up I see hoodie looking down staring at me.

"I'm sorry.. you were asleep and since you were on one side- I'm sorry" Hoodie stopped what he was going to say and just apologized with him giving his hand out to me. I take it and he pulled me up from the floor, both of us sitting on the bed. "It's ok I see what you were going to say... you know from what I read online some people in that fan-base say you're a shy person and don't talk a lot soo" I wanted to start small talk but he just looked at me. "I just don't feel like talking when it doesn't involve me.. ain't you going to question why... I'm not rude or cold towards you, And also why I brought you to my room?" he said looking at me

"I don't know ..should I? oh maybe because you just didn't want me to be in slender's office?" I looked at him and realized he still had his mask on. "You were going to sleep with it on?" I pointed to his mask. "I wasn't, I was going to take it off as soon as I was going to lay down but you yelled and fell off the bed so I didn't" said Hoodie as he looking away. 'Why does he never look at me for more then a minute?' I thought.

"Hey, are you uncomfortable with me?" I said.

"No no.. It's just, ever since I got the order to get you I felt something towards you and I don't know what it was but when we were walking in the woods I was talking to slender about it and I found out why.. But I'm not allowed to tell you Is what he told me" He spoke looking at me for a bit as he just layed down on the bed mentioning to lay on the other side to get some sleep.

'what was it that he can't tell me about?' I thought as I just drifted to sleep.


'the feeling of hoodie's presence is nice' slender read the mind of (y/n) as he passed by the halls.

With a sigh slender just knew it was going to a lot tomorrow from all the question they might ask him.. but what he will not mention was the conversion he and hoodie in the woods. That was a topic to tell when everything falls into plan soon but for now hoodie was in on what slender didn't want (y/n) to know yet..

'not yet' what all slender thought as he walked back to his office.

-------------In the morning-----------

=Hoodie's Pov=

I woke up early, when I did everything that happened last night came back.. remembering what happen to them, they didn't deserve it and I mean I killed what little comfort they had before all this. They still had their mother but from what slender told us...they're going to have to kill her soon and from then the plan.

'(y/n) would kill their mother the next time they visit her' 'if not then I will'.

Slender told me there was a secret ..That will come with time but for now I was to keep an eye on them, He told me it involved me and them but I still don't know why and what little he told I wasn't allowed to tell (y/n) about this.

"Hey good morning hoods" I heard them yawn looking at my mask putting it on and now facing them.

"G-good morning... did you sleep well?" I questioned. 'I hope I get that as a nickname from them' I thought.

"Just fine, you?" they told me fully awake now.

"Good" was all I mention Thinking about was slender still told me.

"You know, when I read about you and masky.. Marble hornets you know I found you interesting" They said looking at me now..... with bright eyes.

"I.. uh, I don't know what to say ab-about that" I spoke.. 'why me?' I thought.

"I want to tell you the reason why I brought you to my room" I said.. but I didn't want to sound weird saying it.

"The reason hoodie?" they told me.

"Um.. I guess I just feel like I know you from sometime long ago.. I don't know I don't mean to sound to-too weird abo-about it ok" I said stuttering a little with what I said. Hope I didn't though, I don't want to feel awkward with them right now either.

" I see.. guess I do to, I don't know how to explain it either but yeah I see your point." (y/n) said getting up, as I see them with my hoodie on.... the same one I gave them last night.

'They look cute in it' I thought.

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