My name

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"My... my name is (your name), (your name)/Your last name)"

"Ok hun um do you know your address?" 'Jane' questions as the receptionist taking notes but so far it was only a name and last name. But soon some other officers came in wanting to see why were they called over. The adults were now looking at the teen.. tattered clothes, dirty shoes, bit of messy hair, scratches and bruising all they could think was the obvious, 'what happened'.

"can you all please quit staring at me.. I don't like being stared at for so long" natalin spoke in a annoyed tone, I mean having adults look at you for some time can be uncomfortable and annoying. "we're (y/l/n)" an officer said.

"how about we take you to get patched up and in some new clothes, I'm sure your cold and tired huh" Jane spoke.


-Reader's Pov-

'At this point I only feel like trusting this Jane officer' I thought as we made our way to the infirmary from what Jane said earlier. "I just wanna know if I have family, because imma be honest with you officer Jane... I can't remember anything other then my name" I said looking down. "Not to worry ms (y/l/n) we'll help you find your family and hopefully get to see if anything jogs your memory up a bit" I heard her say in her sweet voice.

 " y/n is fine officer Jane" I spoke once again... just hearing my last name sounded wrong or weird.. I don't know how to put it. "Then you can just call me Jane natalin" 'Jane' said as we now get in to the infirmary room. I sat in that stiff so called bed while I see 'Jane' come with some new clothes to wear and some things to help with my scratches and some bleeding that was around and on my clothes. I had an uneasy feeling... and I didn't know how to describe it, it just makes me feel uncomfortable I mean I woke up in the woods with ripped clothes and bleeding not to mention my memory loss. I was so spaced out in my thoughts that I couldn't hear Jane talking to me and trying to get my attention.

"mmm" I hummed out getting out of my thoughts looking at her now.

"I was saying that when we get ahold of who you are we might be able to see if you parents are looking for you" Jane said still bandaging up my arm. I looked to see only my right arm and right leg were the only thing that was bleeding and was patched up... weird. 

"I was thinking if there was any news right now.. I know it's still a bit early but I just-" I was cut off when Jane spoke. "Don't worry natalin" as she walked out to see what they had so far, that was what she told me she was going to do but told me not to leave the room and go wondering around.

'how am I even gonna move if I'm hurt' I thought. 


As natalin sat around room they noticed the bit of flickering light coming from the ceiling lights, it was a bit bothersome but not annoying.. at least not for now. But in the mean time they started to put on the clothes Jane offered earlier struggling a bit to take off their current clothing and with some flinching of pain here and there but managed to put on the new clothes that where folded neatly beside them, once done the clothes were fitting to their body a bit loose but were ok with it. It was taking a while for Jane to come back but natalin just blamed it on time being slow right now as they had nothing to do but sit on the un-comfy couch-bed whatever you may call it. But that's when Jane came in and brought a wheelchair with her bring it close to natalin. 

"Could you lean on me a bit to lift you up to put you on the chair" she looked at them with a small smile. Putting their arms around Jane's neck, Jane then picked them up putting them on the wheelchair. Now that they're outside the room natalin noticed they were going to a other room, assuming an interrogation room. 

'Am I going to get interrogated?' I thought, "Am I.. going to get interrogated?" I spoke. "No, we're just going to tell you what we found on you.. you know your Info, that stuff" Jane insured giving that now very common soft smile. 

Once in the room Jane placed natalin on one side of the table while she took opposite of them on the other side, that's when she spoke out because the silence was getting built up too much. 

"So... do you think you might have some siblings?" she questioned looking at them. " I don't know, But in some way I hope I do... a little sister would be nice or a brother." natalin spoke but looking at their lap.

In no time later a other officer came in.

"So I have the information file here" A man spoke making natalin look up from their lap. It was a man with very light brown hair and brown eyes... somewhat built but had a bit of a chubby round face and a bit of a growing beard but not to much to notice... a bit handsome if you look a bit more. 

" Oh right, I'm officer Jim ms (y/l/n)" 'Jim' spoke sitting on the chair next to Jane while taking out a paper from the folder. Looking from Jane to natalin.

"Um let's go from the begin ummm.... I think It should be you to look at them natalin there was not much we can find on you, somehow it seemed like mostly everything on you was deleted or something" he spoke.

handing the paper to them once looking through the paper their eyes widen in shock when they read the last bit on the paper.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

LAST NAME: (your last name) ,    FIRST NAME: (your first name)

Age: 16

Height: (your height)

Eye color: (your eye color)

Place of birth: (your place of birth)

date of birth: (month) (day) (2006)


FATHER- (Nickame)(last name)    -- deceased

 MOTHER- (Lilyame)(last name)  --- alive

Sibling(s): none

Relatives: none

Notes:   Father was found dead at the crime scene of the home with the mother found injured and un-conscious near the front door but was rushed to get hospitalized as pulse was low, is doing well at the moment. The teenager was not found in the area of the crime scene and have since been missing but no report was found. To be reported missing for 3 days at the time till now and showen up at the police station late this night with no recall of anything but just their name. 

Officer XXXXX

XXXXX Police Station

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

-Readers Pov-

"My... my father is dead" I said in shaky voice. "I-I mean at least my mom is ok right, we can contact her and tell her I'm here and ok right" I spoke again 

"The thing is... in those 3 days not once has she told us about you.. not a missing persons report or a request to arrest you or anything like that" Jim said taking back the paper from my hands.

"Why" I said with shock expressed on my face. 'Not a single thing about me?' I thought.

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