Do you love me too?

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Running back into the woods was all heart break to (y/n), they killed their mother. She gave them a last smile before they killed her, that was heart breaking enough for them to start having a break-down as they ran farther away from the city streets.. away from buildings and the noise from cars.

 (y/n)'s tears ran down their face while they ran with Hoodie by their side but they soon stopped to take a beak near a tree, laying down the trunk on the ground. 'What did my mom mean by me and hoodie knowing each-other?.. did slender know about it?' they cried while they thought if slender had something to do with it, did he?........ did Hoodie think the same thing? 

Hoodie was breathing heavily so he took his mask off taking in deep breaths. Some time later they both just sat in silence leaning against the tree.

They looked at each-other ...hands touching. 

They both somehow found.. peace while looking in each other's eyes, like nothing could hurt them. They didn't know how close they were to each other as they were so lost in each other's eyes leaning closer and closer until until their noses were touching, feeling their breath on their face and just stopped there.. wanting to see who made the first move.

'do... they love me? no ..maybe I mean were so close' hoodie thought.

'does he love I mean were this close.. no his a killer, I don't know' (y/n) thought












On the other side looking at both of them, Masky just looked wanting to see if it went any farther while toby just watched.. shipping a little but didn't know if he should. 

Back over with (y/n) and Hoodie they stayed in the same position for a while... not sure if they both should go for it.

Masky stepped on twig... making it snap catching the attention of everyone. Both Hoodie and (y/n) pulled back embarrassed of realizing just how close they were, but knowing both were thinking the same thing.... who would lean in to seal the kiss. Now looking at the 2 who were looking at them.

"Gre-great you-you blew it masky" Toby said with a sigh walking away from him.

"What! I didn't know it would be that loud!" said Masky looking away.

"So.... how long were you two there for?" Hoodie spoke as he got up giving (y/n) a hand pulling them up to their feet and then was putting on his mask. "Well-" before Toby could respond Slenderman appeared making them all tensed up looking at him. 

"What are you doing here sir" Masky spoke. All 4 of them stood next to one another looking at slender.

'I have a mission.. I need information on person named Julie Brooks-' he said. But Hoodie and masky spoke up

"I'll do did sir" They both said in sync 

'No, I was directing it to be (y/n) mission only' Slender said. The 3 proxies looked at each other then at slenderman. Unsure why but they had the same thought.

"But s-sir (y/n) ne-never went on a m-mission before, I-I don't think i-it's a good idea" Toby responded wanting to tell the concern he had about this. Hoodie looked at toby and back at slender. "Toby has a point sir, they've never done this before and they don't know what they need to do" Hoodie said. Masky knowing what he has to do he spoke, "We should join and help (y/n) on their first mission just make sure everything works smoothly sir".

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