What now?

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Hoodie picked up y/ from the floor and felt something on his hands... it was blood ad lots of it.

Hoodie had y/n in his arms as he ran to a near be cabin where he, masky and toby always go when they have missions that take some days to work on. He knew the way well so why did it feel like forever to get there 'we're almost there... hang on a little longer' he thought. 

He saw the cabin in his sight as he knew there was no time to waste kicking the door open he layed them on the couch and went to the bathroom to get what was needed for the stab wound. Hoodie came back with bandages , some pain killers and then went to the kitchen to get a bowl of water.

Hoodie came rushing in and rushed to y/n's side as he lifted their shirt. He began cleaning up the blood and patching up the wound. Hoodie got up and pick up the bowl of water which was now mixed with blood. A sigh left hoodie's lips as he washed his hands in the sink watching blood streaming down the drain with the water. After cleaning up he looked over into the living room to see them sleeping peacefully on the couch, he walked over and placed a small blanket on them but not before he checked the state of the wound first. Going over to the other couch across from them he sat down and stared at them.

"They're out of danger now so why am I still worrying about them" Hoodie whispering to himself putting  his hands in his hair he thought why he need to worry when y/n was out of death's door. Hoodie didn't realized he was now by y/n's seating at the edge on the couch just staring at them sleep but when he realized he questioned what he just did and walked to his room in the cabin. 

"what now.. they finished their first mission" he said.


-Hoodie's Pov-

I took my hoodie off and sat in my bed I'm sure slender wound understand if I explained the reason why they weren't back tonight. 'but why was I worrying about them even after they were safe and out of danger?' that was all I had in my mind and I can't brush it off...... why? 

I was about to take my mask off when a thought when in my head.

"I should just check on them on more time"

 Why did I say that out loud to myself. I walked the dark hallway to the living room where they were as I got close and quietly lifted up their shirt, there was only some blood that was visible... 'I could change that tomorrow' I though. I stood up but felt a pull on my shirt, It was y/n.

"Don't leave me alone.... please hoodie" They whispered in a very raspy voice.

"Ok I will, Just go back t-to sleep" I whispered back.

I didn't know what to do in that situation I woke them up and now I have to sleep on the floor. I didn't want to argue with them right now since we have to get up and walk back to the mansion early in the morning if we don't want to get into more trouble then we are now for not coming back right after a mission.


-Reader's Pov- 

I woke up to the sun hitting my face, then it hit me.............. everything that happened last night. "I killed someone" I said when I felt something heavy on me. It was hoodie's hand on my stomach with the other on my hand, 'why what happened last night?' I thought. 

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