Found You

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"I'm sorry" they said looking away.

"look.. I'm sorry too, I didn't want to yell at you like that" Jane said... that sweet soft smile on her face showed as she faced (y/n).

After a conversation with understanding they both accepted each others apology giving a hug in the end. 

"Anyways why don't we sleep here for the night and in the morning we'll see where we go next, the police station is out of question" Jane spoke.

"Sound good I'm tried anyways" (y/n) spoke as a yawn left their lips proving they were indeed tired. Jane went in and got a room for both of them to sleep in making sure to lock the car as they made their way to the room Jane got, (y/n) flopped on the bed letting out a sigh.

"Do you think they'll find us?" (y/n) questioned looking up from the bed to Jane.

"I don't know but lets hope not ok" Jane said, though (y/n) can see the concern on her face with the way she looked down at her lap as she held the gun that was in the gun holster of her thigh. They were scared that Jane might have to use it if and when they find them, They just hoped they don't.


The sun was creating a beautiful sunset but that soon turned into night fell making the time where most of the city would have their lights on making the city illuminate. 

back at the hotel Jane watched over (y/n) peacefully sleeping on one of the beds. Jane thought about what she said to them in the car.. she spoke out of anger that she couldn't save Jim, Jim make this job bearable for her especially with all the calls and injuries they both experienced over the years. Placing her hand in her head then running them through her hair as a sigh left her lips, she let tears fall... 'why didn't Jim just run or have done something other then just stand there and accept it' she thought with her hands still in her hair.

She looked over (y/n) still questioning them and what about them made all this happen. Making her way over to them she sat next to them with a small smile placing a hand on their head.

"I hope we get to figure this out together... even if I die before we get know, you have to survive to find out.. ok" she whispered. A bit more time passed Jane felt sleep coming but she wouldn't let it consume her wanting to stay wake for (y/n) sake, to protect them, wanting to watch them find out who they are and why did those people come looking for them.

Some other time passed as Jane was now getting comfortable ready to accept sleep, but there was a crash followed with an explosion causing the people in the hotel to go outside to see what happened making Jane wake up (y/n) in a panic.

'what if it's them?!' Jane was screaming with panic in her mind wanting to get out of there asap. With (y/n) now wake and shoes on they got out heading towards the cop car ignoring the screams coming from behind them.

Getting in the car rushing to get their seatbelts on they hear beeping... realizing it come from under them but not fast enough to get out the car, they realized they were doomed and the look of horror was the last thing they saw before the car flipped from the explosion that was under their car.

--------Some hours ago--------

Slender-man gave orders to get them and bring them back alive. Tired of how they were just wanting to know who they were was boring him, seeking some entertainment he thought having his plan with (y/n) would now come in handy he sent his proxies to go get them.

They got near to the police station waiting for (y/n) to arrive with that cop that was with them 24/7 for the pass 2 days now. One wanted to just barge in and take them with of course with blood on their hands just for fun, while an other wanted to just sneak in and take them not wanting to be seen and along with no blood shed if it can be avoided, and of course the last one wanting to just take them with whatever plan as long as they get (y/n) blood or no blood shed. After the argument they all just agreed with his plan sneaking in without being seen but with blood shed if it came to that which came from Hoodie.

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