A hero?... Like You

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The trio knew It was now something that they had to tell Slender about, Julie was Jane's sister. But they knew Slender wouldn't care who it was even if they tried to explain.. they were going to have to tell them that and to just push through it.

Masky took the ID and photo from Toby and just handed them to Hoodie making their way to where (y/n) was. They didn't want to do this anymore, they wanted nothing to do with Jane's family, after all she died protecting them.

Hearing leafs crunch near (y/n) new the trio was there. "listen... I'm ok now, how about we just go back now we have enough information for now don't we?" they said. "Yea let's go b-back" Toby spoke. Hoodie stood by (y/n) and held out his hand to them. Now on their feet they all began their walk back.

"I-I can't wait f-for the te-tea party with salls" said Toby trying get (y/n)'s mind off that topic and on having a tea party with sally and him. "Mmm" was all that left (y/n)'s lips not really paying attention to their surroundings which made them bump into a tree and their head was protected by hoodie's hand that was on their forehead cushioning their head from hitting the tree. Looking at hoodie, (y/n) felt embarrassed about what just happened.

Taking his hand away from their head and back to walking which made (y/n), Toby and Masky begin to walk again. 

(y/n) could hear a chuckle from Masky and Toby behind them. Seeing the mansion in view they soon walking in seeing Sally still in the living room.. she had been waiting from them to come back. 

"You came back, come on let's play come on come on" tugging on both Toby and (y/n)'s shirt. Both Masky and Hoodie just went to the kitchen to get something to eat. Heading to Sally's room and sally was skipping through the halls to her room with (y/n) and Toby behind her and it was all fun and games till she tripped.

Toby walked up to her and sat her on the floor to look at her knees to see if there were any scraps.. There wasn't 'thank you' was all toby thought because Toby didn't want to see sally with bloody knees..... It would make him tear up as he saw Sally as a little sister and couldn't bare seeing her hurt.

"You ok Sally?" (y/n) asked walking over to her and Toby. "Yup, just hurts a bit" She said while toby just picked her up. "Toby you don't have to carry her" (y/n) said walking behind them. "Yea" Sally said with a pout.

"Well you s-said it just h-hurts a bit wh-what if it g-g-gets worse if you walk" Toby said as they were now in-front of her room door. Putting Sally down she walked over to a small table with some chairs and a tea set on the table. "come on let's have a tea party" Sally said with a big smile on her face.

_-_-With Masky and Hoodie-_-_

Both proxies were in Slender's office with the ID and photo in hand. 'why isn't (y/n) here' Slender said. "they're playing with toby and sally in her room sir" masky said. 'next time they have to be here' was all he said before taking what was in masky's hand which was the photo and ID of Julie. 'You're dismissed' Slender said going back to his desk.

Both proxies headed to their rooms not wanting to see if the rest of the pastas got back.


-Readers Pov-

"Well Princess Sally shall I serve you your tea?" I spoke in a very fancy voice. "Yes please" Sally said as she sat straight in her chair waiting for the 'tea' which is just water at the moment till Toby comes back with the sugar and tea packets. 

I finish pouring water in all 3 cups as Toby puts in the tea packets. "W-would you like so-some sugar S-salls?" Toby said. "It would be delicious with my tea" said sally in the most fanciest voice she could muster as she held her tea cup up to toby so he could put some in. "I would like some too" I said holding my cup too.

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