M-Mom... I'm sorry

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=Hoodie's Pov=

'They look cute in it' I thought, but quickly taking my mind off the thought I got up too and take their hand leading them down stairs. I didn't know if masky or toby would get along with them but I hope they do because I know I'm not always going to be around, and beside we got somethings for their room so they can decorate later.

"I don't know if I love them or just care about them" I said to myself.

"What w-was that hoodie" Said toby looking at me. "nothing" looking at my breakfast as I lift up my mask up to my nose and started eating.. stealing a few glances at them once in a while as we're all eating at the table. They look well off after everything that happened yesterday, that's something that I just knew they were strong in someway. 'why did slender do this' I thought.


From across the table masky was able to see hoodie look at (y/n) from here and there a few times and just knew something was up with him.. why would hoodie keep looking at them? Toby noticed it too, What hoodie catching feelings for them? They both looking at each other knowing what they were thinking without saying.. Hoodie has some type of feels for (y/n).

"Hoodie.. I'm going to be in your room, is that ok?" (y/n) said. They got up from their seat as hoodie got up too pulling his mask down pushing the chair in, "It's fine I was just about to go too" he said. Both now heading to Hoodie's room while masky and toby followed after.. they wanted some answers to their many questions.




"Hoods, could it be possible to let me see my mom?" (y/n) looked at Hoodie when they asked the question.

'they gave me a nickname..' hoodie thought.

"I mean I-I could ask Slender" he said. Both agreeing they made their way to Slender's office not knowing the 2 other proxies where following them. Once at Slender's office Hoodie just gave a pat on their shoulder as they walked in. The 2 other proxies knew they were going to now eavesdrop on the conversation hoping slender didn't rat them out for it. Masky just looking at toby with a sigh hoping his ticks didn't make much noise for hoodie to hear from the other side of the door but he also hoped he didn't much noise either. 

Slender was there behind his desk, he was busy but looked to see who came in. Hoodie looked at him wanting to ask him but before he could say slender had already read his mind, 'yes you can.. but you better not take too long as I need to have a talk with not only you 3 but (y/n) too.' With that respond (y/n) eyes light up, knowing they could see their mom.... even if it was that last and only time they would ever see them it was worth every second. 

Outside the door masky and toby quickly got away from the door and ran outside wanting to follow them, from what they heard Hoodie and (y/n) were going to see (y/n)'s mom.


Walking through the woods was quiet for both of them as they walked a great distance away from the mansion, but since it was going to be a long walk they wanted to start small talk. "So um, How do you think your mom with react? T-to see you I mea-mean?" He said. "I don't know, like when I visited her the first time she freaked out at the sight of me but Jane was with me......... Jane-" (y/n) stop talking, the mention of Jane got in their mind. They where walking but it was quiet, (y/n) was walking with her killer.. having an attempt at small talk was a fail. 

"I-.." Hoodie tried to speak but couldn't find the words, didn't know how to word it. "Look.. I'm going to be honest with you, I still don't forgive you for what you did..... You killed her and I will never forget or forgive you for that got it." (y/n) stated not looking at Hoodie as they just kept walking forward. 

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