chapter 28:- Anniversary

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I cant quiet believe it's been a month already since me and Ryder became official again.
I'm  not going to lie its probably been the toughest month together in a long time, Sophie hasn't made it easy that's for sure, if its not the snide comments at uni, or the trolling on facebook, she clearly isnt ready to let go that's for sure.

Snuggled into Ryder neck we walk through the uni corridors to the looks of stares and whispers from groups of girls. Ryder shrugs it off, however I cant, the way they look me up and down in disgust like I'm a piece of crap at the bottom of their shoes.

"Ryder, what's going on?" I whisper.

"Its fine babe just ignore them." He reassures me.

"Too late for that." I say as a girl I've never seen before comes strutting over to us, she doesnt even bother to acknowledge me, just turns to face Ryder. She stands there inches from him, should I start getting worried?

"Oh Ry, I cant believe your still with her after knowing that she slept with Josh at the party." She says whilst she caress his arm.

"What the fuck did you say? "Ryder hoarse voice echoes through the hall.

I'm silent a little taken back at this, my hands start to shake and clam up.

Why are people doing this too me?

"I said she slept with Josh and your still with her Why? When you can have me? Least I wouldn't cheat? " she grins.

Ryder turns his face to look at me, his eyes searching mine for answers.

I shake my head telling him it's not true.

Sophie waltzes in the front entrance, sunglasses on her head typing away on her phone finally looking up and heading towards us.

"Oh, hey Ry, what's going on? She finally admitted she slept with Josh and not for the first time either? " Sophie winks at me while she says it.

Ryder pulls back from me  the loss of his touch is telling me everything, he doesnt believe me.

"Ryder, I havent, i wouldn't" I argue.

"Why are you doing this Sophie, I haven't? " I question her, my whole body now shaking.

" oh babe, it isnt me, if you must know Josh has gone round telling everyone how your so easy letting him have it when ever he wants, just a drop if a call and your there! I'm sure there the words he used." She laughs.

"Anyway must dash, I have people to see, classes to go to. Ry dont forget to call me when your ready to move on." She winks at him.

Both girls strut off in opposite directions, leaving me and Ryder alone in the halls. You could cut the silence with a knife, it's awful.

I try to reach out and touch Ryders hand, but he flinches and move away.

"Bee please tell me it's not true. " his eyes now showing mixed emotions, hurt devastation. A lone lost tear escape his eyes.

"I promise I havent, I need to find Josh . Why the fuck is he doing this aswell?" I ask Ryder.

"I'm coming with you." Ryder grabs my wrist a little tighter than usual and pulls me down the corridor with him.

Passing the male toilets, Josh comes out with Lucus laughing about a recent football match on the tv.

"Josh" I shout as I race over to him.

"Hey babe, what's up?"

In the two months I've known Josh his never been this flirtatious with me especially not in front of Ryder.
Something isnt right.

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