2. "Arena"- Fabian Mazur, Snavs

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Bold Italics- Russian

Italics- any language besides English

Natasha had been at one of her hideouts after a rough mission. In fact, so rough that she had been court martialed by the United States Government. She knew Tony and Steve would work it out, but she wanted to lay low just in case and wait until she heard from them.

Her contact, Rick, had set her up in a trailer in the wilds of the Netherlands. He'd even brought her stuff from her last hide out in Budapest. If she'd known that she would have told him to throw it all away. There wasn't really anything she needed from that part of her past. Rick had told her that if she didn't want any of it that she could take it to the dump sight in town.

That evening as she as watching an old Russian sitcom, her power went out.

She made a mental note to punch Rick later as she stood up to try and breathe life in the generator outback. Natasha prided herself on her persuasive abilities, but nothing she did to the generator could make it start up again. When she thought she'd fixed the problem, she realized she was low on gas and this would also keep it from starting no matter what she did.

So she decided to just make a trip into town. She piled the gas cans into her small hatchback along with the box of stuff that Rick had brought over from Budapest.

The night surrounded her as she made her way from the foothills to the small town that would be her closest resource. The night air was cool on her face as she drove with the window down.

She appreciated the peace that surrounded her, but her training and reflexes kept her body taught and aware, always on the lookout for danger. Music played from the stereo gently as she stopped at the intersection that led her to a bridge that would take her straight into town.


The quiet night was ripped apart as Natasha's car suddenly erupted, an explosion sending it flying sideways, rolling over and over again down the bridge with her inside.

Flames licked at the car as it burst through the safety bars on the side of the bridge, the front of the car nose down over the side, pointing towards the dark waters bellow. An dark armored car emerged from the flames and smoke like a ghost, the pale beams of the bridge's overhead lights illuminating the way as it parked near Natasha's hatchback.

Flames grew on the street of the bridge, leading in small lines to Natasha's car, which continued to leak gas as it teetered the bridge's edge. Natasha lay slumped forward, held by her seatbelt and bleeding from a gash on her forehead.

Natasha's head lolled as she stirred, her eyes widening suddenly as she took in every detail around her. Danger, her brain screamed. Danger! Natasha looked around, looking for the cause, for an enemy.

She found one.

She noticed the car and then the noticed the ominous figure that stepped out of the car. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what was going on. From the armor on the figure who approached her car, and the advanced mask that hid his face, Natasha knew that this person was her for her.

"Ross is really upping his game" she muttered to herself.

She clutched at her seatbelt, unbuckling it. She felt the fear and anger race through her veins, focusing her rather than making her shaky and impulsive. This dropped her onto the steering wheel, making the car groan as it tipped dangerously forward into the water.

She had to get out of here fast, preferably before Mr. Not Nice Guy got to her. Carefully and as quickly as she could she climbed up into the back seat, retrieving a gun from a go bag that she kept in the car for emergencies.

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