41. "I Found You"- Andy Grammer

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Bold Italics- Russian

Italics- any language besides English

**- thoughts/ memories

Natasha had spent the day with Yelena in the city, shopping and talking. They hadn't had the time with everything going on. And it was nice to do something so normal for once.

They walked down a street of shops, both wearing sunglasses and ballcaps in order to try and be as covert as possible.

Yelena however noticed a slight smile on Natasha's face that had been there nearly the entire time they had been together, which had been a few hours at this point. This was evident by the numerous shopping bags they both carried.

One of the bags Yelena carried was stuffed full of candy that she now was picking through and eating as they walked. She enjoyed trying all these new things, but candy had become a particular favorite of hers. And now she could by as much as she wanted.

Natasha glanced at her as Yelena pulled a large bite of laffy taffy from its package.

"Have you had any other food besides candy today?" she asked.

"Stop being such a mom" Yelena said, her mouth full as she rummaged through her candy bag, looking for her next victim.

Natasha shook her head, smiling, content to walk and window shop with her sister, a noticeable grin finding a home on her face.

"What's got you all happy like that?" Yelena asked quizzically.

Natasha looked at her, surprised and a little caught as she tried to normalize her features, "What do you mean?"

"You've been smiling this whole time" Yelena pointed out, biting into a fun sized snickers.

"I'm with you. Can I not smile because of that?"

"It would be a first."

"Whatever. I smile. And I smile around you" Natasha defended.

Yelena raised an eyebrow, her bullshit detector on red alert.

"So you and Bucky..." Natasha pressed, quickly changing the subject.

Yelena's cheeks burned at this, and Natasha was grateful that she took the bait.

"Look, if you're going to give me some speech-"

"We've established I'm not the speech type Yelena."

Yelena stopped at this, unsure of what to say.

"You guys look good together. Odd... but good" Natasha said, gently knocking her shoulder into Yelena's with a smile.

Yelena couldn't help but grin as she pushed Natasha away, her eyes smiling down at her feet.

"He should know though..." Natasha's features deadpanned into a deadly glare, "If he hurts you, I will rip off that metal arm and make it his new permanent butt plug."

Yelena barked out a laugh at this, the sound booming off the buildings around them. This made Natasha smile even more, knowing that Yelena's laughter was because of her.

Clint and Ana had made their way to the range and set up. They began shooting, warming up, getting used to the weaponry. Then they started making bets. Who could hit a quarter most accurately from half a mile, who can draw the best smiley face on one of the human cut out targets, who could light a cigarette a mile down the range using only a bullet, etc. The bets grew more and more audacious as both of them succeeded each time, their skills matched.

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