70. "One Day"- Matisyahu

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Bold Italics- Russian

Italics- any language besides English

**- thoughts/ memories

*** One year later, after Civil War, before Infinity War. Let's just assume Yelena is on the same side as Natasha and all that jazz."

A lone motorcyclist made her way up the lonely gravel road in Ohio, dust pluming behind her in a billowing cloud. She came to a small peaceful alcove dotted with large vine covered trees, the sun shining down in golden pools overhead. Gravestones dotted the small hills here and there amongst the trees.

The rider pulled over, putting her kick stand down to her bike and looked around at the scenery before her.

Pulling off her helmet, Natasha Romanoff swung her leg from over the bike and placed her helmet on the seat, her red hair down, wavy, and a bit disheveled from her ride. Slowly she walked amongst the graves, picking up a small blossom as she did until she came to a lone grave, standing in front of a large tree with two jetting trunks from the ground. The stone was polished black and well kept. Natasha knelt and cleared away a few leaves and vines that had seemed to make their home on the stone.

Around the stone was small, scattered notes, a bottle of scotch, a framed polaroid of three small girls on the slide of a playground, a poem titled "Dark House" that was frozen in a red colored crystal, and a small book in a zip lock bag, the title reading "Watership Down."

On the head stone, an inscription, "Anastasia Romanoff: The White Wolf."

Natasha starred at the stone, closing her eyes as a single tear made it's way down her cheek.

"I have some work to do baby, so I'm not going to be able to visit for a while" Natasha whispered as she reached out and touched the cold stone.

"The world has gotten a lot more complicated since you left" she said, a small smile on her face, "it needs sorting out... and I guess I'll have to do."

"But don't you worry. I'll be back" she said, taking the small pink blossom and placing it on top of the stone, "when the days are a bit brighter and the world is a little kinder. One day hopefully" she said.

Behind her, a vehicle pulled up the gravel road. Natasha eyed the vehicle, her eyebrows furrowing as she looked on defensively.

The vehicle parked, and out of the driver side, stepped Alexi, with a knowing smile on his face.

Natasha dipped her head as she laughed to herself. She stood, walking towards the car. Melina rounded from the passenger side and Yelena getting out of the back seat with a backpack in hand.

Melina walked with a slight limp next to Alexi, who had his arm at her back for support.

"Hello my little global fugitive" Melina crooned as she opened her arms, which Natasha laughed and walked into her embrace.

"Stop calling me that" Natasha smirked before stepping back, "How's the leg?"

Melina shrugged, "sore, but good. It only hurts badly in the winter" Melina reported with a smile.

Natasha nodded and then turned to Alexi, who also hugged her, " nice helmet hair" he joked.

Natasha playfully pushed him away and then turned to Yelena, who dropped her bag to give her a big bear hug.

"How'd you guys know I'd be here?" Natasha asked.

Melina shrugged again, "A mother knows" she stated simply.

"So what's our plan?" Melina asked then, her tone implying she was eager for a fight.

Natasha shook her head, "No, you guys need to go. I'm gonna stay and let Ross find me."

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