30. "Back In Black"- AC/DC

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Bold Italics- Russian

Italics- any language besides English

**- thoughts/ memories

"So, what's this going to do again?" Ana asked as she stood on a circular plate that slowly turned her body. She was in Tony's workshop, a huge warehouse dotted by half finished products, tools, cords, cars, simply overrun with Tony's ever new ideas.

"It's going to scan the exact dimensions of your body to give you a suit that fits like a glove" Tony said, hunched over monitor. His eyes peaked above the top of the computer, "And it generally works better without your clothes."

Ana furrowed her eyebrows, "Pervert."

"Yes, I am, but I'm not lying. Just the shirt and pants" Tony explained.

Ana looked at him, her eyes like stone.

"What? You want me to turn around or something? You shy?" Tony leered, moving a holographic projection towards him, and then tweaking the modules on it.

Ana clenched her jaw, "You wish tin man" she said, lifting her shirt.

"You and Yelena have gotta stop it with the tin man stuff, seriously its-" Tony's words caught in his throat when he glanced at Ana.

Her back was to him, she wore a simple black sports bra. He watched as she reached down and removed her leggings, revealing black bikini bottoms. For once in his life however, Tony wasn't looking at her body for pleasure.

Scars roped across her back. Down her shoulders and the backs of her legs. As the plate slowly turned her, Tony saw the full extent of the scars as they covered most of her body. It was as if she had been whipped and burned over and over and over again. The white lines of the scars were stark against her tanned skin.

Ana saw him looking, "See something you like Tony?" she taunted.

Tony ripped his gauze away, clearing his throat, "You get into a fight with a woodchipper or something?" he asked, continuing to adjust the computers in front of him.

"Fuck you"

"Calm down Freddy Kruger, just a friendly question" Tony shot back.

"Are you going to be such as asshole your entire life?" Ana muttered.

Tony shrugged, "God willing. But you didn't answer me."

Ana was quiet for a moment, considering.

"I thought you healed from all your injuries?" Tony asked, trying to prod a little deeper.

"All of the injuries I experienced before the change are still present. So if I had a scar before the program that Dreykov put me through happened, it stayed. Only new injuries disappear" Ana explained curtly.

Tony nodded, unable to bring himself to look at her as he walked around the monitors.

"So uh, these happened before your... change" he said, grappling with the words, "can I asked what happened?"

Ana looked down on him, her expression full of doubt and distrust.

"Dreykov employs very...skilled tormentors for those who disobey him" she finally said, closing the matter as she looked away from Tony.

"Man, this Dreykov guy sounds like a party dud" Tony tried, trying to lighten the mood.

It didn't work.

Clearing his throat he clapped his hands, "Okay, arms out, stand there as still as you can for a few seconds and let the scanners do their work."

Minutes later Ana had her clothes back on and she was standing behind Tony as he crated her suit. She kept blowing small trundles of hair out of her face as she watched him but the hair kept falling in her face from her loose braid. This brought her attention more to her hair, realizing how much she hated feeling it the back of her neck.

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