58. "Northern Attitude"- Noah Kahan

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Bold Italics- Russian

Italics- any language besides English

**- thoughts/ memories 

The trio sat in silence for while, stunned and ashamed in the wake of Yelena's outburst.

Melina gave a shadowed glance towards Alexi, "I had no idea-"

Alexi nodded, squaring his shoulder, "It's okay, I know" he said, spreading his hands on the table, a solemn expression on his face.

Alexi took in a deep breath, "I'll go talk to her" he said as he pushed himself up from the table.

"You sit down" Natasha growled and stood.

Alexi paused, looking at her with curious eyes.

"Of all of us she wants to talk to you the least" Natasha pointed out as she walked towards the glass door of the room.

Natasha walked in and quickly closed the door behind her, shutting out the most confusing part of her world.

"I came in here because I didn't want to talk" Yelena said pointedly. She sat on the floor, her back leaning against the bed, the bottle of vodka in her hand as she rested her arms on her knees.

Natasha looked at her with quiet eyes, nodding "yeah I know" she said before coming to sit cross legged next to Yelena.

Yelena rolled her eyes and let out an angry sigh, "you're so annoying."

"It's one of my charms, or so I'm told" Natasha whispered while leaning her head back against the bed that Yelena was sitting against.

"Whoever told you that is not your friend" Yelena said as she took a swig from the bottle.

Yelena let out a breath as the alcohol burned it's way down her throat, "I hate everyone."

"Except me right?" Natasha jested with a small smile.

"Especially you" Yelena retorted.

Natasha nodded, "that's fair."

"Go fuck yourself."

"Right now? Or can I have some privacy?" Natasha grinned to herself.

Despite herself Yelena found herself chuckling, "Ana's humor has rubbed off on you, and it's gross" she muttered.

At the mention of Ana silence enveloped them for a few moments as they sat in their misery and discord.

"I thought that if I acted like it didn't matter, then it wouldn't. But you matter to me" Natasha finally whispered, "and even if Ohio wasn't real... it matters to me Yelena."

Yelena looked at her, red rimming her eyes, only to find Natasha's doing the same.

She offered the bottle to Natasha then, earning a small smile from her.

Before Natasha could grab it, Yelena jerked the bottle, making a small plash of vodka soak into Natasha's pants.

Natasha gasped at the cool liquid and shot mock glare at Yelena, "why?"

"Because fuck you, that's why" Yelena said before giving her the bottle.

Natasha shook her head and took a swig from the bottle before passing it back. As Yelena took the bottle Natasha wrapped her arm over Yelena's shoulder and gently pulled her towards her, placing a gentle kiss on her temple before she allowed Yelena to lean her head on her shoulder as she took a deep drink from the bottle.

Alexi entered the small bedroom and saw them. Both girl sagged and let out a sigh as their bubble suddenly popped and the real world flooded around them.

"What do you want?" Natasha bit.

Alexi looked down at them, "I just wanted to talk to you girls for a minute, please" he said, coming to sit at the end on the mattress.

"I'm gonna go keep an eye on Melina, you guys have fun" Natasha said, standing and excusing herself abruptly.

"Traitor!" Yelena called after her as Natasha closed the door behind her. 

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