20. "Where Is My Mind?"- Pixies

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Bold Italics- Russian

Italics- any language besides English

**- thoughts/ memories

Natasha sat in the board room before the screen. She hadn't been able to sleep. After hours of restless tossing and turning she came to watch Ana on the monitor. She starred for hours at her face, memories sweeping over her. She then brought herself to watch the footage of Clint and Bucky's interrogation.

She wanted to vomit as she watched the scenes that played out on the screen. Her nails dug into her palms, her jaw sore from clenching so hard. Behind her she heard movement, and from the cadence of the footsteps she knew it was Clint.

"I figured I'd find you here" he said, setting a mug of coffee next to her.

She didn't respond, nor did she reach for the coffee.

"Why didn't you stop Bucky?" she asked, her tone like a stone wall as Clint sat in chair behind her at the table.

Clint took a sip of his own coffee before he answered, "We need answers. And based off of what I've seen of Ana, I thought she could take it" he reported in a matter of fact manner.

Natasha didn't look at him as she willed herself to take in a breath.

"This reminds me of who you were before you met Laura."

Clint starred at the back of the chair, his face glinting with frustration before he suppressed it.

"I'm not nice to anyone who hurts people I care about Nat" he replied.

"And how many people have we fought and rightfully put down who have used that same excuse?" she said, now turning towards him, her eyebrows furrowed and jaw set.

"Natasha, we need to find the red room. We have to put Dreykov down. You and I know better than anyone what it takes to bring down something like that. People get hurt. There are casualties. We don't have to like it. I hate it. But we do what is necessary" Clint said before taking another sip.

"Don't feed me that bullshit Clint. Every injustice in the world has been framed that way. Ana is another pawn in Dreykov's plan. She doesn't deserve this" Natasha spat, crossing her arms.

Clint shook his head, "No, she doesn't. She doesn't deserve this nor what Dreykov did to her. But as of right now she's our only lead. Our only lead to freeing thousands more like her."

Natasha clenched her jaw and stood, "Bucky doesn't go in her cell again. Or I'll kill him myself. Understand?"

Clint nodded wordlessly, watching her pick up her coffee cup and hurling it in a trash can as she stalked out.

Later, the team gathered to split into different groups. One for Ana and one for Alexi. Clint, Tony, and Bucky sectioned off into Alexi's cell, heading down in the elevator as Natasha glared in Bucky's direction. Steve and Wanda would go to Ana. +

Before heading down, Steve pulled Natasha aside.

" I think you should come down" he said.

Natasha started to shake her head.

"Tony updated me. I get it. I'm not gonna pry. But her reaction to you might be the only indication we have of whether or not she's lying or if Wanda can bring her memories back if she isn't lying. Seeing you might be the only honest reaction she'll have either way" he reasoned.

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