50. "Make You Feel"-Alina Baraz💕

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Bold Italics- Russian

Italics- any language besides English

**- thoughts/ memories

Ana knelt behind Natasha, her breathing thready as she marveled at the red flush that had crept over Natasha's creamy skin at her ministrations. She'd drove Natasha wild, licking her pussy over and over again, edging her until Natasha was begging her to fuck her. Natasha lay before her, glorious and spent, perfect ass in the air before Ana, ready to be thoroughly used.

"You're fucking drenched for me Tasha..." Ana husked, running her fingers through Natasha's aching folds and then smearing the delicious juice on the strap-on she was currently wearing.

Her words sent a rush of desire through Natasha, goosebumps popping over her skin as Ana's hands cupped the round globes of her ass.

"Ana... Baby, please" she groaned, in desperate need for release.

The tip of Ana's strap on swirled at her opening, teasing her yet again. Natasha felt her thighs flex, her whole body taught and ready. She felt Ana dip the tip in, her inner muscles clenching, greedy and wanting.

Natasha took matters into her own hands, pushing back and moaning at Ana filled her for a moment before Ana's hands gripped her hips, pulling her away.

"Fuck Ana!" Natasha growled, her fingers digging into the sheets below her.

Ana let out a low chuckle, "you're getting ahead of yourself love" she said, then let loose a firm smack on one of Natasha's ass cheeks. They both groaned, Natasha reacting to jolt of pleasure that ripped through her and Ana loving the way Natasha's creamy skin was already turning red from her mark.

Ana ran the strap through Natasha's folds, allowing her dripping wetness to coat the toy, sending rivers of pleasure up and down Natasha's body, her nipples painfully hard against the sheets.

"I can't-please...Fuck, baby" Natasha gasped, biting into the skin of her wrist.

At this Ana gently inserted two fingers, moaning at the heat and wetness that surrounded her digits, Natasha's walls clenching at them greedily. She slowly pumped, relieving some of the pressure as Natasha arched for her, a sob escaping her.

"Yesss..." Natasha breathed, her body instantly reacting as she looked back at Ana, her mouth open in wanton pleasure.

"Fuck Tasha, I love the way you look with my fingers inside you" Ana huffed, eyes wide, her chest constricting with lust.

Ana pumped a few more times before pulling her fingers out, running her tongue up them before bringing them down hard on Natasha's ass. Natasha let out a moan, lurching forward before slamming back against Ana's hips, begging for her release. Ana gripped her hips, her fingers still glistening with Natasha's wetness as she lined the strap up with her pussy.

In one powerful thrust, Ana surged forward.

"Uh! Oh my-" Natasha half screamed, burring her face in the sheets underneath her.

Ana reached forward, curling her finger's in Natasha's hair before using the grip to pull her head back, sending electric shivers down Natasha's spine that bolted straight to her pussy.

"No love, I want to hear you. Scream for me Tasha" Ana growled, her eyes feral as she pumped in long sure strokes into Natasha's aching pussy, feeling even through the toy her inner muscles clenching around her.

Natasha claws at the sheets, pushing back with every stroke, her moans resounding around the room.

Ana slides one hand around her curvy hip to tease Natasha's clit with her thumb, growling in approval when she feels Natasha clench around the strap harder.

Natasha arches and screams as Ana speeds up, the globes of her ass rolling from her impacts into her creamy skin, Ana's fingers digging into her hips as she pounded the strap relentlessly.

"Feels... so good" Natasha groans, each breath forced from her with Ana's strokes.

Ana pushes down on her lower back, angling differently and pounding down into the mattress.

"Don't stop! Fuck- uh!"

Natasha met her thrusts each time, making Ana groan as the strap pushed against her own clit, making pressure build in her stomach a she reached forward, grasping at Natasha's shoulder, using the new leverage to stroke deeper.

"Fuck! Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck!" Natasha scream, releasing a strong gush of her pleasure, nearly pushing Ana out of her pussy at the force of her orgasm, Ana's name gasping from her mouth as waves jerk through her body. 

Ana continued to push, chasing her own high, slapping her hips against Natasha's.

"Tasha, uh, fuck, I'm-"

Natasha pushed back, meeting her thrusts, pushing her towards her second orgasm as well at Ana's own.

In a whirlwind of screams and moans, their world exploded, reverberating with white hot pleasure until both of them lay next to each other on their backs, heaving and flushed.

Ana looked over at Natasha, finally having recovered from their most recent mind blowing sexual adventure. She propped herself up on her elbow, turning on her side towards Natasha, who was still recovering.

"So you want some coffee?" she asked with a grin.

Natasha could not help but let out a breathy laugh as she reached up and pushed Ana's face away with her hand, making Ana let out a throaty chuckle a she stood, placing a last kiss on Natasha's right ass cheek before smacking it as she walked away.

"Fuck you" Natasha groaned.

"You just did" Ana shot back with a cocky grin.


30K! Damn, thank you guys. Thank you for reading and commenting and voting. Please keep it up. I want to see thoughts and reactions. I love reading from you guys and seeing your reaction throughout the story. Keep it up! Keep being awesome and stay safe out there.

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