24. "Bridge over Troubled Water" -Aretha Franklin

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Italics- any language besides English

**- thoughts/ memories

Natasha took Yelena to her room to lay down, then she headed to the kitchen, hungry.

She rummaged around in the fridge, pulling out some left-over enchiladas that had no name on them, some salsa, along with some chips from a cabinet and an apple from the fruit bowl on the counter. Collecting her spread into a nice layout on the counter she sat down to eat.

A few moments later Wanda rounded the corner, stopping when she saw her. She and Natasha made eye contact, and then Natasha looked around making sure no one else was around.

"Thank you" Natasha offered when she realized they were alone.

Wanda nodded her head before coming to sit next to her, "You're welcome. You would have done the same" she said.

"Still, if you saw what I think you saw, then it's a big ask. And I appreciate you doing it anyway" Natasha said, taking a bite of her enchiladas.

Silence pervaded for a moment; Natasha unsure of what to do. She knew the extent of Wanda's powers, at least from what she had read and what Wanda had told her. If Wanda had restored Ana's memories, then she lived those memories herself. An entire life experienced within the span of a few seconds. Trying to ignore the obvious vulnerability she felt, she tried to focus on how Wanda was feeling.

"It must be exhausting, to have lived a life like Ana's" Natasha said, looking at her with compassion.

Wanda let out a breath. She and Ana had talked, though Ana had been very closed off. But this was the first time that someone had acknowledged what she had gone through rather than the results.

"It is weird to have lived another thirty-one years yet still only be twenty-three" she agreed, her face suddenly plastered with weariness, "especially a life as... turbulent as Ana's. I feel..." Wanda tried to search for the words, "stretched. Tired. And bitter" she realized, a little taken aback, "over a life that's not even my own."

Natasha nodded, "You have enough to be bitter about on your own though. I'm sorry. I can't even imagine" she said, not able to look at Wanda. She hated this feeling. Natasha truly felt compassion for Wanda, not even able to wrap her head around what that process must have been like. But still... Wanda knew. She knew what Ana had gone through. She knew Ana's innermost thoughts. She knew about their relationship. She knew what Ana went through becoming a Taskmaster. She knew it all. And Natasha found herself suddenly on guard around Wanda without meaning to.

"Nat... I know you know this. But I still want to say it. Your story is your own. And so is Ana's. I would never" Wanda said, shaking her head, "never divulge that to anyone. I wish I didn't know, I wish I hadn't felt..." she trailed off, closing her eyes, composing herself as Natasha looked away, tears threatening.

"What I'm saying is that it's safe. Those stories are safe" Wanda said, swallowing as she interlaced her hands in front of her.

Natasha sniffed, nodding as she looked back at Wanda, "thank you, I can't even tell you how much I appreciate that."

Wanda started to get up.

"Can you-" Natasha started, letting out a breathing, trying to figure out how to ask, "Can you tell me what it was like for her after I left? I just..." She looked down, trying to figure out the feelings raging within her.

Wanda looked down at her fingers, "you could always ask her" she offered, glancing back up.

Natasha huffed out a breath, raising an eyebrow, "Yeah, I'm the last person Ana wants to see" she said, taking a dejected bite off her fork before pushing the plate away.

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