17. "All My Life"- Foo Fighters

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Bold Italics- Russian

Italics- any language besides English

**- thoughts/ memories

Tony starred down at the monitor; Steve next to him.

"That's her?" Steve asked.

Tony nodded, "Another one of Dreykov's spawns of hell. I'm really starting to not like this guy. His toys are hard to kill" he said, popping a cashew in his mouth, a large bowl of them sitting next to his keyboard.

"You're telling me. I saw her in action. Dreykov's been busy" Clint said, sitting at a table with an ice pack pressed to his shoulder.

On the monitor was a video feed. The feed gave a picture into a small cell where a woman knelt, her arms shackled to the floor, fingers immobilized by special cuffs that stretched around her wrists and up her arms, meeting in an arch at the apex of her shoulders, another chain stretched behind her, keeping her in an upright position. Her legs were bolted to the floor, and a large metal belt immobilized her hips. Her head was lolled forward, hiding her face, her long brunette braid hanging down towards the floor.

"Has she woken up?" Bucky suddenly burst through the door, a murderous glare searing across the room as he walked towards Tony and Steve.

Steve turned to him, "How's Yelena?"

"She's okay. Nat and Wanda are with her. I want to see the son of a bitch that did this to her" Bucky seethed; his eyes glued to the monitor.

"She's not awake, and there's no telling what she'll be like when she does" Steve said, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Have you talked to Alexi?" Steve asked.

Tony shrugged, "Clint gave it a whack but the guy just keeps singing the Russian national anthem."

"Horrendously off key I might add" Clint chimed in.

"He's not giving us anything. I think he'll talk to Natasha though" Tony said, leaning against the desk, facing the others

"What makes you say that?" Steve asked.

"Clint said he tried to talk to her on the way back. But she was tending to Yelena, so she punched him to shut him up" Tony said.

"Yeah, for a super soldier he's kind of a wimp" Clint observed.

"A full-on punch from Nat is no thing to sneeze at" Steve pointed out.

"Guys, she's awake" Bucky said. His eyes had never left the screen.

They all turned to look, watching as the woman slowly raised her head, clearly disoriented. She tried to move, which is when she noticed her restraints. She pulled against them, but they held firm. Instead, she opted to look around the room, her eyes finding the camera instantly.

"Let me take the first crack" Bucky growled, stepping forward.

"Whoa there Rambo, we want her to talk first" Steve said, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Oh, she'll talk, don't you worry" Bucky sneered.

"Let Clint at her first, okay? If she needs some persuasion, then she's all yours" Tony said, looking at Clint.

Clint sighed and stood up, tossing his ice pack on the desk.

"Alright let's get this over with."

Ana came to, her vision blurry as she tried to take in her surroundings. Her body felt fine, she was sure she wasn't harmed but her mind was a slurry of mixed voices, half-pieced together memories, and broken feelings she didn't understand. She tried to figure out the last thing she remembered. A man's voice, greasy slicked back hair, glasses, a golden signet ring, what did he say?

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