33. "Gladiator"- Zayde Wolf

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Bold Italics- Russian

Italics- any language besides English

**- thoughts/ memories

Finally, they noticed a helicopter in the distance. Clint couldn't land so he sent down a rope ladder. Needing to clear the area as soon as possible. Clint took off again when they were both on the ladder, trying to be steady as they made their way up with Natasha carefully making her way and Ana weighting down the ladder for her at the bottom.

"Hey guys incoming!" Clint shouted, suddenly spotting an incoming bogie.

Ana spotted it to, the dark object zooming through the air directly towards her.

"What is it?" Natasha yelled.

As it neared, Ana curded under her breath. It was the second Taskmaster. From her back she had some sort of rocket mechanism that propelled her through the air.

The Taskmaster zoomed past them, roughly jostling Ana and Natasha on the ladder. Ana gripped the ladder, looking up to see that Natasha had lost her grip, hanging on only by one hand.

"Tasha!" Ana yelled, starting to try and climb the ladder.

Natasha swung back, finding her footing and gripping hard to the ladder.

Ana let out a breath and looked back, watching as the Taskmaster made an arc in the air and looped back towards them. Ana knew immediately what the Taskmaster wanted. She felt it in her bones.

Looking up, Ana's eyes connected with Natasha's giving her a small smile.

Natasha looked at her, confused, but the sudden horrific realization widened her eyes.

"Sorry" Ana mouthed and let go of the ladder


Ana dropped down on top of the Taskmaster just as it was zooming under the helicopter again. The Taskmaster corkscrewed in the air as Ana grappled with her, reigning down blow after blow, trying to do any damage she could. The Taskmaster veered off with Ana, back towards the island they had just left.

Natasha turned to the ladder and climbed up as fast as she could.

"Clint! We have to turn back!" Natasha shouted as she pulled herself into the helicopter.

"What?" Clint asked, looking back to see her terrified expression.

"Turn around!"

Ana clung to the Taskmaster, ripping at the jet pack, her hands crunching down on the metal, making sparks and flames spurt out as they propelled through the air. Smoke billowed out from the back of the Taskmaster, making their flight arc downward towards the small island until they both crashed, waves of sand and rocks raining down through the air.

Ana and the Taskmaster separated, Ana landing roughly as she rolled through the sand. She felt her body already mending injuries she sustained and suppressed a groan at the pain. Using her momentum she landed on her feet, crouched low as she slid to a stop, her hand dragging through the sand. Looking up she saw the Taskmaster getting to her feet a few yards away.

Both standing they looked at each other, observing, considering, two titans, created from the same master.

Natasha had her eyes on the Island the whole time as Clint flew the helicopter. She got up from the co-pilot chair and went to the door hatch.

"Get me as close as you can!" She called.

Clint then flew the helicopter higher, intentionally avoiding the island.

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