64. "Long Live The King"- I Prevail

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Bold Italics- Russian

Italics- any language besides English

**- thoughts/ memories

"Come on now, if we're just going to press buttons and hack computers" Alexi shrugged as he looked down at Melina lovingly, "I mean, I don't know any of that. There's nothing for me to do!" he said, spreading his hands wide.

At that moment Melina noticed the elevator door open on the car end of the hallway, her eyes widening as the green and yellow Taskmaster stepped out of the shadows.

"I want to, oh I want to break something" Alexi growled, balling up his fists while grinning wide, puffing up his chest as he looked at Melina.

Melina slyly tipped her head, "Well, you're in luck. There is something you can break" she said, making Alexi turn to see the ominous Taskmaster standing before them.

Alexi sized up the Taskmaster, his grin widening as he started laughing to himself.

Finally! Something for me to do! He thought to himself as he pulled on his crimson helmet.

He readied himself, balancing on the balls of his feet, rolling his shoulders as he eyed his opponent. He put his hands up, signaling he was ready.

The Taskmaster pulled two knives from her belt, long and curved, malicious looking as they glinted in the overhead lights.

Alexi suddenly became a little less confident.

"Melina, if this is the last time that we-" he turned, to find the space behind him empty.

He turned back, another heroic moment of his ruined, "damn it" he breathed and watched as the Taskmaster ran towards him.

Yelena crouched in the air vent, watching as a small toon of heavily armed soldiers marched their way beneath her. When the hallway below her was clear, she opened the hatch and grinned to herself, an idea coming to her.

Yelena dropped down, catching herself in the pose that likened Natasha, her leg out, crouched, graceful and deadly.

She let out a shuttering breath, shaking the feeling off, "ugha, that was disgusting" she muttered.

Posing was definitely not for her.

She made her way around to the corner and hugged the wall, noting the lone century that stood as the entryway to the cold storage.

She waited for a few beats for an opportunity, and then began her assault, quickly and expertly wrapping her arm around the soldier's neck and flinging her body around, using her momentum to grasp his head and snap his neck in one fell swoop.

The soldier dropped instantly, allowing Yelena to grab his arm and use his hand to open the palm lock on the door.

"Fuck you're heavy" she breathed, hauling the man up so his palm would reach the sensor.

She let him collapse once the senor beeped and flared green, allowing her hands to rest on her knees while she caught her breath.

"What the fuck are they feeding you guys now?" she gasped as she reached towards the door, leaving the collapsed soldier in the entry way.

Melina has made her way down to the lower engines, using her excellent memory of the schematics of the ship she had helped build. Making her way down a service elevator, the came to a small room that was the manual operations booth for one of the thrusters.

Facing the screen, she let her fingers do the work, tying as fast as she could to blow past firewalls and other security measures as if they weren't even there. Entering the last key stroke, the image of the thruster on the screen before her started to blink red, powering down under her technological command.

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