28. "Dress"- Taylor Swift 💕

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Bold Italics- Russian

Italics- any language besides English

**- thoughts/ memories

Ana turned to Natasha, "Want a go of it?" she asked breathlessly, her eyes wide with excitement.

Natasha rolled her eyes and started to walk away.

"Come on Tasha. Just because we used to be fuck buddies doesn't mean you have to be such a bitch all the time" Ana called after her.

Natasha froze in her tracks, her rage boiling as a vein pulsed on her forehead. The entire gym was quiet as everyone looked at the situation with wide eyes and clenched jaws.

Yelena rubbed her forehead, "fucking shit..." she whispered, preparing herself for the worst.

Natasha turned, drawing her gun from a hidden holster under her arm. Everyone ducked, including Ana, who covered her head. Natasha never fired, she dropped the gun, running towards Ana soundlessly. Because Ana was ducking from the possibility of gun fire, she didn't have time to respond when Natalia ran towards, landing a bone crunching kick to the side of Ana's face as she looked up to see what was happening.

This sent Ana sprawling, but Natasha would not be denied as she straddled Ana's hips, locking her wrists behind her knees expertly before firing down two blows to Ana's face, effectively breaking her nose.

Ana recovered quickly, thrusting her hips out, making Natasha have to catch herself before she landed face first on the mat. Taking advantage of this, Ana hooked on of Natasha's legs in her own, using her hips again to flip her so she was on top.

Blood that poured from Ana's nose fell to Natasha's chest and neck as Natasha found herself pinned, Ana grasping her wrists above her head.

As Ana looked down on her, the bleeding stopped, and then Natasha watched as Ana's crooked nose straightened of its own accord, making Ana grunt at the pain, making her eyes water a bit.

Ana shook her head, willing the lingering pain and tears away, and then she looked back down at Natasha, who struggled underneath her.

"All that blood looks really good on you" Ana commented, "It really brings out your eyes" she whispered.

"That scar does the same little lion" Natasha spat.

Ana froze, her eyes darkening, every muscle in her body tensing. She stood suddenly, letting Natasha go. She stalked towards the elevator.

"Where are you going?" Steve asked.

"Hell, most likely" Ana answered, "Wanda, take me back to my room" she called.

Wanda started to move but Natasha stood up, "I got it" she huffed, grabbing a towel off a bench to wipe the blood off of her skin.

"I don't think-"

"I said I got it" Natasha shot back, making her way towards the elevator.

Ana saw her and rolled her eyes, her jaw clenching impossibly tighter as she crossed her arms over her chest.

The group still sat by the mat, stunned.

Yelena looked back at the elevator, "She's gonna kill her" she observed nonchalantly.

"Yep" Clint said, his arms crossed over his chest as he looked down at the floor.

"Should we do something?" Steve asked.

"No!" the group all said together, the answer resounding around the room.

Steve put his hands up in surrender as he walked back towards his punching bag, "jeeze."

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