15. "Paris"- The Chainsmokers 💕

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Bold Italics- Russian

Italics- any language besides English

**- thoughts/ memories

**Ana watched as Natalia laughed with the target, rubbing his arm as they sat across from one another. It had been so easy to infiltrate this target. They had learned his schedule, figured out which gym he used. It had just been a simple matter of Natalia passing by him in a pair of leggings that were just barely see through, enticing enough even without her glorious body to fill it out. Now, three days later, they were at dinner and Natalia was doing a beautiful job of making sure she would be his date to a charity gala the target was planning to attend in a few days.

The target walked her back to their hotel, his security trailing behind them keeping an eye out. Ana pretended to be on the phone as she watched the group carefully. Natalia stopped at the door of the hotel, turning to the target and engaging in a sheepish conversation. Ana smirked as she watched Natalia feign nervousness, marveling at her ability to placate to this man.

Ana didn't have to hear him to know that he'd finally asked her to the gala as Natalia put on a face of surprise and then coy pleasure as she nodded, thanking him before placing a kiss on his cheek. At this Ana felt herself involuntarily freeze, hating herself as she did. Her grip on her phone tightened as she forced herself to look away.

Ana made her way back to their hotel, knowing full well that Natalia had gone into the other hotel and left through the kitchen exit to make her way back as well. Natalia opened the hotel room door to find Ana checking in on comms at their expected time. While Ana did that, Natalia made sure to close all of the blinds, so that there was not anyway anyone could see into their room. Ana finished reporting and stowed the comms with their rest of their gear in a duffle bag, hiding it under the large queen sized bed.

Natalia stowed her own gear, lifting the dress she wore to reveal a thigh holster with a small firearm and knife. Removing the dress al together she showered, washing off the date from her skin. Wrapping herself in a towel she came out of the bathroom and flopped on the bed, tired and weary from the day.

Ana, all business, sat down at the table at a laptop, "The gala is supposed to be on Friday at the-"

"Come lay down with me" Natalia said, cutting her off.

Ana closed her eyes, not annoyed, but desperately trying to resist the temptation, "Natalia, this can't go wrong. We need to-"

"There is nothing about this plan that we haven't been over a thousand times. He's eating out of the palm of my hand, as you no doubt saw. Which by the way, I hate that you saw that, and I know you do too. So come over here and lay down with me" Natalia ordered, her eyes closed as she opened her arms, waiting for Ana's response.

Ana's face cracked the smallest smile as she let out a breath, shaking her head as she stood in defeat. Crawling on the bed wrapped her arms around Natalia's waist, pulling her as close as she could possibly be, allowing Natalia to nuzzle her neck.

"Mmm, you're warm" Natalia murmured.

"I wasn't jealous" Ana blurted out after a few moments of silence.

"Yes, you were" Natalia said without opening her eyes as she pulled Ana closer.

"Your flirting skills are on par, almost shameful" Ana said, smirking a bit as Natalia started peppering her neck with kisses.

"I learned from the best" Natalia retorted, her lips brushing against Ana's neck as she spoke.

Ana closed her eyes, reveling in the sensation, already growing breathless, "aghua, with these skills I'm surprised he didn't throw you against the wall of the restaurant and fuck you right there" she said, her fingers gently taking hold of Natalia's hair as Natalia's gentle kisses slowly turned hot and open mouthed against her skin.

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