Introduction - A Bird in a Cage

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In the Eighteenth Century...
I'm writing this like if it was really in the eighteenth century, meaning no conjunctions, and no mentions of anything that hasn't been invented yet. Also, yes I am 100% writing this with a British accent in my head(as an American)💕 and if you're curious as to what the 18th century is like so you can properly picture it in your head - it's the same time period as the show Bridgerton(yes that show is definitely my muse, I'm obsessed.) also known as the Renaissance period.

(Y/n)'s POV
Life as a Princess is not as ravishing as many might think. The freedom that is handed is very limited and the life that is lived is not my own. From the moment I was born I was placed in the most pristine royal attire, and then when I learned to walk I was forced to have a book on my head with every step. It is how I was meant to learn to walk properly. As they would say; the book must never wobble or fall.

I was also thrown in every language class you could think of, and I studied writing, literature, music, and dance.

At all times I am expected to be at my very best, I am the future Queen of Naboo after-all and that somehow requires a smile on my face wherever I go. I must never slouch, never look displeased, never be alone unless I am in the comfort of my own room, and the most annoying thing of all — I am to never step a foot outside of the palace grounds without the Kings approval.

I am but a bird in a cage.

Do not get me wrong though, I am not ungrateful. I do love my title, my life, and the people that I am meant to rule. But there are times where I want to live for myself. To ride a horse without being accompanied by my royal guard, who happens to be a huge pain in my arse, or to hunt without being looked down upon by others because it is un-Princess like.

To be able to explore more of the villages, towns, and the forests, especially the forests — nature has always been the most beautiful thing in this world to me.

But I am cursed to never have any of that, I have one duty and that is to marry so my kingdom could have a proper ruler when my parents step down from their reign. I am bounded to obey another my entire life — how unfair is that?

I believe I can run this kingdom alone just as well as any man can, but of course, that is nothing but a fantasy that will never be fulfilled...

I sighed as I removed my quill from the page and closed my notebook when I heard footsteps approaching, "Princess, you must get down, we have talked about this." My royal guard groaned with vexation from down below. I placed my quill and ink inside of a small hole in the tree I was up in for a later use when I return, "I know you are there, you left your shoes at the base of the tree."

"Must you ruin all of my fun Anakin, I am simply enjoying the view." I said aloud, although he could not see me from where I was, or at least not all of me since I was hidden by the leaves and branches.

"Get down Princess." He said sternly, "Now."

I rolled my eyes and worked my way down, hopping off once I was at a safe height and landing in front of him, "Do you ever get tired of the stick you so clearly have lodged up your arse?" I stood up straight and fixed my dress.

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