20 - He is Not You

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(Y/n)'s POV
Anakin was off the bed and on his feet in an instant, his eyes wide, he was nervous, "Open the door," I demanded, shooing him towards my fathers continuous knocks.

"What are you going to say?" He asked in a low hush as he walked to the door. It does not look good having him in here with the door locked, even as my guard it is frowned upon. With only the door closed would be fine, it is the locked part that raises suspicions.

"Trust me and do it," I whisper shouted. My Father may be too preoccupied with coming to check on my well being to put too much thought into it, "Go with anything I say."

He nodded and unlocked the door, then opened it. He bowed, "Your highness," And stepped to the side so my father could enter the room. He hardly glanced at Anakin when he did, his full attention on me.

"Sweetheart, why do you have the door locked?" He asked, approaching my bed and sitting on the edge next to me. He inspected a small cut on my cheek I got from my fall and stroked it softly with his thumb. I heard from Anakin that my parents were livid, the man who attacked me was now awaiting trial and it did not look good. The attacking of a Royal, especially the future Queen is enough to warrant death.

I sighed and leaned my head back against the board, "Sorry Father, I am still a bit shaken up," I milked the trauma, despite feeling perfectly fine now. I am a tough girl. I have to be in order to inherit my future, no one wants a weak and feeble Queen, "I wanted a nap and I felt safer with a locked door and a trusted individual watching over me." I glanced at Anakin—he was failing at hiding a smile—then back to my Father.

He seemed so understanding of my feelings and gently stroked my arm and shoulder, "You need to start being more careful," He retracted his touch. It saddened me, it reminded me of my childhood. A time of innocence and easiness, I'd give a lot to go back to that time. Responsibilities can ruin a person, "We have rules for good reason, your protection, your life," He raised his voice ever so slightly, but took a deep calm breath before continuing, "I do not want to hear about you going into the woods again without permission or I will have the stable boy get rid of those wolves you have hidden there."

Of course he knew.
But how did he know?

"I saw them last night when I had decided to have a late ride alone," He answered as if he saw the question swimming in my head.

"So you are saying that I am allowed to keep them?"

He tilted his head, "You know they are wild animals right?"

"Every pet is a tamed animal, nothing is meant to be sheltered," I tell him as he tucked my blanket for me, as he used to do when I was five. He tends to get like this when I am either sick or fear strikes his heart. Overbearing. But I do not mind it, it reminds me how much he really cares, "So can I?" I was planning to hide them, but it would be easier to not have to. I have grown attached to one, and Piett and Anakin grew attached to their own too.

"Let us see how they behave over the next few months and decide then," People can sometimes mistake him for being cruel due to his position as King. He has had to make many decisions that were difficult, yet necessary. But he has always been a kind and decent man, or perhaps that is just me being being biased, "Now can you promise that you will do as I say and stay out of the forest unless given permission to leave grounds? And mean it."

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