14 - Love and Happiness

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After doing research I wanted to let everyone know that I am NOT copying Bridgerton in anyway. What I'm writing is how "dating" kind of was in the 1800s. I did change it up a little bit though so it wasn't too similar.

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(Y/n)'s POV
As soon as I was old enough to understand, it was put into my mind by my mother that a first kiss is meant to be one of the most special moments in my life. And the reason it is meant to be so special is because...well it is supposed to be shared on my wedding day with the man I swear myself to — and vice versa.

Never before.

Because then I would no longer be seen as pure and therefore, undesirable to other potential partners. Now there is no set law against it, one can kiss one and still marry another, but it is highly frowned upon by society — when it comes to the higher members of society of course; like a Duchess, a Lady, and a Princess for example.

(A lady is usually the daughter of a Duchess and Duke, for those that don't know (: I'm still learning more about this time period as I go so if anyone has any information they want to share to help me be better, please share it ❤️)

And unfortunately these days, the opinion of society matters.

But that was not enough to convince me to stop.

I tightened my hold around Anakin's neck to deepen the kiss. The moment his lips had touched mine, it was like something inside of me lit on fire — a single spark that needed a push to ignite. A spark that has always been there, laying dormant behind a wall of denial.

I was new to this as well, but he guided me, he taught me how to kiss him back without using any words, just his lips. It was one of the most heart pounding and stomach fluttering experiences of my life. I could feel my knees about to give out any minute now and my head spun with desire.

I thought numerous times that one of us would snap out of it and end it, but neither of us did and it went on much longer than it should have. Because not only are there societal rules, I was a Royal, and a Royal must never be with anyone who does not hold Royal blood.

That one is actually a law. A stupid one at that.

But it was put there because years ago—before I was even alive—a Royal married a commoner, and that commoner did things that should never have been done...the power went to his head. So the law was set in place since Royals are taught leadership and people skills their whole lives. Basically meaning we were born to rule.

Anakin's hands that were on my waist drifted up and he cupped my cheeks. He kissed me for at least a couple more seconds before backing away and looking into my eyes with an unrecognizable expression, never releasing his hold.

"What was that?" I whispered breathlessly. It felt stupid to ask because I knew...this act explained everything. But I wanted him to say it, I wanted to hear it from his mouth just so I know I am not being delusional.

He swallowed nervously before gently parting his lips, "Princess, I-"

"Sweetheart? Have you cleaned yourself up yet?" My mothers voice drifted across the garden from the back door, and Anakin and I immediately jumped away from each other.

His eyes left mine and he stared down at the floor. I could practically see the wheels turning in his head as he thought about what just happened. I know it is us that he was thinking about because he gently ran his fingers along his lips where mine used to be, and I oddly found myself doing the same thing,

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