3 - Freedom

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(Y/n)'s POV
Padme and I sat side by side on the grass plane next to the moving river. We decided not to put our feet in because the speed of the water going down the slope was faster than usual, and it was coming at a much higher volume. I assumed it was because of the cold weather, winter was coming and soon.

I glanced up at blue sky through the trees above me and inhaled the fresh air. We were decently deep into the forest, but I knew my way back so I was not worried, Padme on the other hand looked nervous. She kept turning her head in every direction like someone was going to pop out of a bush, "We are perfectly safe Padme, no one is out here with us." I assured her.

Of course I did not know that for certain, but another being out here was very unlikely. The palace was far from the rest of the town, so we are really the only residents within miles of here.

She snapped her head to me, "It is not a person I am worried about," She looked back at the trees, "You are aware animals exist correct? Ones that would not mind a human snack."

I rolled my eyes, "I have come out into these woods hundreds of times. The only animals I have ever seen are either small, or would rather eat that leaf over there than either of us." I gestured between us, then picked up the bow and arrow by my side, "And if you are still worried, I did bring this and my aim has improved recently." I said with a smile as placed an arrow on the drawstring and shot at the trunk of a tree, hitting right where I wanted to.

She breathed out a long exhale, "My apologies, the forest has always made me paranoid. But if you are unbothered, then so am I." She adjusted her posture with a confident smile.

I set down the bow and arrow next to me with a smile as well, "That is because you have been taught to fear it, but there is nothing here that warrants terror." I assured her with all the confidence I had, "Unless you happen to be frightened by squirrels."

It is not secret I have grown an attachment to this place and that's because of the feeling of freedom it gives me. That is also one of the things that happens to be a plus about my future marriage. Maybe, if I choose the right one, I will have a sliver of unbothered freedom. Everyone deserves time to themselves do they not? Surely there is someone out there who thinks the same as I.

"So," Padmé began as she picked grass from the floor, "How are you doing with this whole marriage thing being throw on you?" She asked as she threw the grass she picked into the river and we both watched it drift away.

I sighed, "I am trying to make the best of it," I have always been a rather calm and collected person so throwing a major tantrum over something was highly out of character for me. I always opted for conversation or debate, but I usually had to end up smiling and nodding in agreement by the end of it because my parents are more than stubborn. Especially my father, once he has his mind set to something, there is almost no turning back, "But I hate that there is a time limit and that I have to have that stupid roulette tomorrow," Another thing I simply agreed to to avoid altercation.

"It probably will not be too bad, you might actually like some of them," Padmè tried to be positive.

I smiled, appreciating her attempt to shine light on the situation, "I am sure some will be, but I always had a specific image of how I would meet my future husband," I explained, "I did not want time limits or for it to be forced. I was hoping to find it without even looking, I just wanted it to happen. If that makes sense." I sighed. I always had dreams when I was younger of meeting my prince at a ball, that we would lock eyes from across the room, dance, and that would be it.

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