21 - Morals

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(Y/n)'s POV
You would think I would feel sorry for being the reason a man is sentenced to die. But I was not. I do not feel any remorse, not even when I watched him shed tears of regret. Or when I listened to his forced apology.

Does that make me horrible?

He tried to hurt and take advantage of me, the Princess and future Queen of Naboo. Death was the only way this was ever going to go. I knew that the moment I was saved and he was taken away, but hearing it said aloud is what finally made it real.

We all stood from our chairs and watched the man get taken away. Chains around his wrists, tears created puddles on the floor, "Are you alright Princess?" Anakin asked from behind me, his hand resting softly and protectively on my shoulder.

"Am I a bad person for not feeling sorry for him?" I ignored his question, asking my own. I could still feel that vile man's breath on me, his hands on me, his intentions sickening me.

Ani squeezed my shoulder and brought his mouth to my ear to mumble as everyone else spoke among themselves regarding the trial, "No, just because he stopped when he realized who you were, does not mean he would have stopped for anyone else." He was right, "He is only sorry because he got caught, he is not actually sorry because there is no doubt in my mind he has succeeded before. Always remember that if you begin to doubt your morals."

I took a deep breath and nodded, "Thank you." I closed my eyes so I could no longer see the man that was demanding eye contact with me. As if he thinks the pity behind them will guilt me into reversing his sentence. He is wrong.

"Princess," I heard a familiar voice and I felt Anakin stiffen. I opened my eyes and almost stepped back in surprise when I saw Anthony standing in front of me. He held a sad smile and took my hand in his to place a kiss on the back of it, "I came as soon as I heard, are you okay?"

I smiled back, as much as I could, "I am," I felt a small flutter in my stomach, knowing he came all the way over here just to see if I was okay. He is a King after all so leaving his kingdom for anything is most likely difficult. So for him to drop it all and come here... well it meant a lot, "Thank you for coming to check on me, it is rather sweet of you."

Do I have deep feelings for Ani? I can not deny that I do.

But do I also feel something for Anthony? That I also can not deny. He is a good man and a perfect choice for me and for my people. Caring, loyal, charming. The only thing that is really wrong with him is that he is not... him.

"Of course Princess," He looked up at Anakin who I am sure is staring daggers at him. He has also not removed his hand from my shoulder, but instead has tightened his grip. Any tighter and I would have a bruise, "I hope you know that if I am the one she chooses, I have every intention of keeping you in your position." My heart fluttered to that as well, more profoundly, "I have a hard time believing there is anyone who can protect her as well as you."

Anakin snorted, "Should I be flattered, your highness?" His voice dripped with sarcasm.

I slowly turned and shot him a warning glare. He pretended to not notice, but I know he did. His eyes slipped away and met mine for a split second, giving it away, "Excuse him. With everything that has happened, he is a bit on edge." I said, turning towards Anthony's calm gaze. That is one thing I happen to really like about him, he does not let Ani's attitude affect him. I wish I had the same power.

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