25 - What a Dream

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(y/n)'s POV
"Good morning Princess," Anakin stepped into my room while Padme did the final touches to my hair. I glared at him through the mirror, my eyes spewing anger despite my heart feeling somber, "May I have a moment with you?" He walked in further, stopping a few feet away.

"No," I said harshly. Padme held a confused expression at my hostility towards someone I have recently been so warm to. Little does she know he does not deserve any warmth today or any day in the near future, just a cold shoulder and an icy stare, "We will be leaving soon, so go and prepare the carriage."

"Leaving?" He stepped even closer, his scent masking my senses, "What do you mean we are leaving?"

I rolled my eyes. Padme finished my hair then began to apply a small amount of lipstick on me to give my face some color. I had to wait until she was finished before I could remind Anakin what he has clearly forgotten, "Since you have already forgotten let me remind you that I promised King Anthony we would attend the adoption festival he is hosting tomorrow."

"I did not forget we would be attending that," He responded with same attitude I had given, "I am just confused on why we are leaving today and not tomorrow."

I stood from my chair and turned around to face him. A smile spreading across my lips, "The trip will take a few hours and Anthony graciously offered for us to come a day early and rest there for a night. That way I can also have time to enjoy his town, his palace, and the amenities it offers."

I have never once under his watch stayed a night away from my Palace, so I know this was angering him beyond belief. Hence my smile. There was a reason I never have and it is because he, nor my parents have ever allowed it. Something about an unknown terrain and being vulnerable or whatever, I never fully listened to them. The world can be dangerous I know, but I feel like they exaggerate just a bit.

"Padmè, leave." Anakin demanded.

She was about to leave, "Padmè, stay." She walked back to me and stayed at my side with her eyes on the floor, "You leave and get the carriage ready."

His jaw clenched as he shifted his gaze between us both, "Are your parents aware that you will be—"

"Yes, and they are both very delighted." Much to his dismay that was the truth, they pushed for me to accept this offer. They adored Anthony, and adored the idea of me finally accepting someone even more, "And confident in your protection, all will be fine."

He swallowed heavily, his jaw remaining clenched, "What about Ahsoka?"

"She will be safe with Piett until I return." I was worried for Ahsoka, but she thought me being gone would make it easier for her to stay hidden longer. No one would suspect her to be here if I am not, "Also, Padmè will be joining us."

She snapped her head in my direction, "I am?"

I nodded, "Only if you would like to of course. You are always stuck cooped up in this place, a change of scenery will be nice for you." I do love her company, but also having her there will make it that much more difficult for Anakin to get me alone. I am still so angry with what happened last night, and I know he will try to talk me out of my anger. And despite everything I feel for him—I do not want that, where we are now is where we should be, it is easier this way.

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