15 - Within Those Eyes

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Song starts at the beginning (:

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(Y/n)'s POV
"We were supposed to switch three times already," Anakin mumbled low as he awkwardly looked everywhere except for at me.

"I am the Princess and this is my party," I reminded him, "I dare them to comment."

He sighed as his eyes traveled to the floor and he watched our feet move to the rhythm of the music. Both of us excel when it comes to the waltz, especially when it is with each other. So it mainly comes naturally to us, we barely have to think about our next move, "Ignoring what happened is not something you are going to agree to — is it?" He asked as he finally shifted his eyes up to meet mine.

I shook my head — slowly we continued to move with the music, and avoided switching even when everyone around us had. We got looks from the party-goers in the room and Anakin would get jealous stares from the suitors, but neither of us paid any attention to them. Now it was only him and I.

"Not a chance Skywalker," I said as he spun me in a circle, and the moment I landed back with our gazes locked, I pulled myself closer to him, causing his breath to hitch in his throat, "Tell me what it meant to you."

"I-" He took a deep breath, "I am so sorry, it was not something that should have happened. It was against all the rules, and it was disrespectful of me to steal your first kiss-"

"I did not ask you to recite the rules that I am already aware exist. Nor do I consider my first kiss stolen. All I ask is that you tell me what that kiss meant to you and why you did it." My heart was pounding in my chest, because I was unsure what I would do when I got the answer I was suspecting I would get.

I feel like my entire world had been flipped upside down and everything I felt I knew about him was now being reevaluated in my mind. Have these feelings of his always been here? Are they new? Are there even any feelings at all? Or was I simply something he used for comfort during this difficult time? I needed an answer, and I needed it now before my head split into two from the headache this was giving me.

He was hesitant to answer as he bit his bottom lip and furrowed his brows, "Does it really need saying Princess?" He said in a quiet whisper that was almost drowned out by the string quartet.

I nodded, "Yes and please," I begged as I pulled our bodies as close as they could possibly get, "Do not lie to me." I made sure to never break eye contact and finally I saw the defeat in his eyes return, and I knew I was finally going to get some truth.

He took another deep breath, "I have been infatuated with you since before I could remember," He admitted and for a moment, I completely stopped breathing. Expecting something is different than actually receiving it, "I tried for many years not to be, because I knew we could never-" He shook his head as he looked down, then sighed, "But how could I not be? Yoo have the sweetest and kindest heart there is, and of course you make me smile like no other." He subtly smiled as he said those words, but the smile faded quicker than it came, "So yes, I have these feelings for you Princess and I always have — that is what that kiss meant."

I had not realized that I had completely stopped our dancing and now we were standing in the middle of the dance floor, staring into each other's eyes, "Ana-" I had no clue what to say and I was confused on what I felt, but I will admit my heart jumped into my throat during his confession.

He pressed his finger to my lips to keep me from speaking, "But nothing is going to change. You have your duty and I have mine. You will marry and have a family with someone that is not me. And I will be forced to watch it happen, because that is what is expected of me." I could see the devastation in his eyes as he spoke the harsh truth, and it hurt me more than I would like to admit. We may have always had a bumpy relationship, but I have never liked to see him hurting.

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