10 - Menace

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(Y/n)'s POV
During Pietts examination I have come to learn the pup is a girl. That is something I know I could have figured out on my own, but I was too worried for the poor animal to really pay attention it's gender, "Is she going to be okay?"

Piett nodded as he finished bandaging the paw before gently setting it back down, "Looks like she just got a mild sprain, nothing too serious and it should heal by itself quickly as long as she is careful." He petted the little wolf and it tried licking his fingers in gratitude, "Seems like someone has not yet learned the harsh truths of humans, she is too trusting. She is lucky that it was you who found her Princess and not a hunter — a human or an animal." Piett stood up and grabbed his first-aid bag from the floor after buttoning it closed.

"More like the Princess is lucky that the mother was not around," Anakin said with a scoff as he tilted his head up in my direction. He was still seated on the floor by the wolf's side, "You do realize it would have ripped you apart. There are reasons like this why the forest is not safe for you to go alone."

I understand the risk I took and how scary it might be for him to think about, but I am fine, therefore I do not regret it. Although I do admit I should be more careful and the decision to approach the wolf was reckless, "Then go with me so I am not alone." I said with a shrug of my shoulder.

He opened his mouth to speak, but Piett held his hand up to stop a bickering war from pursuing, "The mother was not there for a reason," He sighed as he dropped his hand down, "Two days ago there was an incident where a wolf got into the stables and...well I did what I had to do to protect Ruby, it was getting into her pen." He admitted with a guilt-filled expression.

What he did to the mother did not have to be said, we knew; a weapon is kept in the stable to protect the horses from incidents such as this. And as I have said before, wolves this close to civilization are rare, they live deep in the forest, deeper than I would ever go. So it is more than likely that the pup belongs to that very wolf.

"Why was I not informed?" Anakin said aloud, anger in his voice at the thought of anything happening to his beloved Ruby. I did not need to be a mind reader to know that was the element behind his sudden hostile mood.

"Because she is fine," His best friend reminded him, "There was no reason to upset you. I am only sharing this now because of the circumstances."

Padme chimed into the conversation next after remaining silent the majority of Pietts visit, "Correct me if I am wrong, but do wolves not have pups in higher numbers than just one?"

Piett nodded, "On average they have about five or six, but they can have as little as one or two but it is not likely—oh."

It clicked for us all.

I instantly turned to Anakin, "There can easily be five pups out there without a mother, and what if they are hurt like this one or they starve. We have to look for them."

He stood up with a sigh as he dusted his hands after touching the floor, "Princess, we are not going into the woods on a wolf hunt, especially since we have no idea where to begin-"

"Wherever this girl was found," Piett gestured towards the closet, "They usually stick by each other." He informed us and even though Anakin stared at him with an irritated glare, Piett looked pleased. He is an animal lover after all and I am sure he wants them found as much as I do — if they exist because like he said, having just one is still possible.

"Please Anakin," I begged as I grabbed his hand and held it in mine while stepping closer. His eyes followed me and I saw the lump on his throat bob as he swallowed after looking at our joint hands, "I promise if we go there and find nothing then I will let it all go and we will come right back here without me putting up a fight." I needed to be quick either way, I have a ball to get ready for, this was just a little more important to me, "Please."

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