4 - Handsome and Worthy

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(Y/n)'s POV
I slammed my hand onto my vanity and cringed at the tight and uncomfortable corset that Padmè was suffocating me with, "Almost there," In a very unladylike way, she placed her foot on top of the vanity and pulled the strings back more with all her might.

In response, I gasped as my grip on the dresser tightened, "Must it be so tight that I can not breathe?" I choked out, glancing at her through the mirror. She had it as tight as this body of mine could take, yet she is always requested by my mother to at least take it one extra notch.

"Yes," She answered as if it was the most obvious before finishing her task with tying it in place.

I rolled my eyes and stood up straight as I waited for her to bring out the dress that was hand-picked by my mother—of course—for the roulette today. Yes that is today and I was not looking forward to it, and I do not think Anakin is either because he has been in a mood all morning. Even going as far as to snap at me, unprovoked, all because I asked if he could pass me the bread at breakfast this morning. He had the audacity to say 'you have hands, hey it yourself'. My guess is that this has to do with the roulette since he never seemed keen on the idea, but who understands him really.

"Hurry up." Speaking of the little devil, I could hear him groaning on the other side the door as he awaited for me to finish getting ready, "No amount of time can fix you, trust me."

I rolled my eyes again as Padme stepped out of my closet with the beautiful dress in-hand. One thing my mother does have is taste. She chooses the most exquisite dresses for me. Even when it is for events I do not wish to go to, the dress is never in my list of cons.

"I have no idea what has that little girls knickers in a bunch today, but he is on my last nerve." I mumbled to Padmè as she began to help get the red dress on me. My mother always told me that red represents love and she also claimed that it was appealing to men; so I have no doubt that that is the reason she chose this specific color.

She furrowed her brows, "Little girl?"

"Anakin," I clarified.

She then nodded in understanding, "Ah yes, he has been more rude than usual today." She agreed as she fixed my hair since after the dress came over my head, it messed it up a little.

"Rude," I scoffed as her fingertip grazed my cheek when she moved a few strands to the side, "That is one hell of understatement, he is being a pretentious twat."

"I can hear you," He snapped from the other side of the door.

I eyed my final appearance in the mirror with a satisfied smile and I gave a thank you to Padme before strutting to the door. I pulled it open and my eyes locked with the most annoying human to ever exist, "I know you could, did it sound like I was whispering?"

It would be nice if he was always as kind to me as he was yesterday after the incident on the balcony, but sadly, that is an unrealistic expectation from someone like him.

He did not make any comments as he took in my dress, his eyes roamed low then back up to mine, "That is what you are wearing?" He asked and his tone was not condescending as expected. I actually could not properly place his tone, it was a mystery to me.

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