9 - Neither Are You

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(Y/n)'s POV
No matter how hard I tried to sleep, it was impossible. I kept repeating my argument with Anakin in my head and getting my feelings hurt all over again. I feel like I have been laying here for well over an hour like this.

I groaned and turned on my side as I brought my blankets up to cover my face up until the tip of my nose. This is why I hate him so much; one moment he can be the nicest guy in the world, then the next he is the opposite, a complete devil with no regard for anyone's feelings other than his own.

He reminds me of an unbalanced scale that is favoring its less desirable side.

I closed my eyes with a sigh and made another attempt at getting sleep. I really did have a busy day tomorrow and did not want to fall asleep in the punch bowl at the ball. But just as sleep was going to take me over, I heard my door unlocking — then opening.

I opened my eyes, already knowing who it had to be - not many have a key to my room. I heard the door close and his footsteps echoing against the floors. I closed my eyes again to pretend I was sleeping. I listened to his steps as he got closer, and to the sound of his clothes rustling together when he knelt down.

"I know you are awake," Anakin whispered.

I slowly opened my eyes again, and as expected, he knelt down next to my bed with the moonlight highlighting half of his face, "What do you want?" I snapped in a whisper.

He sighed as he set something down on my nightstand, but I did not bother to see what it was since I was too angry to care, "I wanted to tell you that I am sorry for what I said, I did not mean to be so harsh."

I narrowed my eyes and moved the blanket to uncover my mouth, "I do not forgive you." I said sternly before attempting to turn around so my back was facing him. I am what my mother calls—sensitive, so it takes more than a little apology to get me to forgive when my feelings have been hurt.

"Princess, please," He grabbed my shoulder to stop me before I could turn around, keeping our eyes locked, "I never intended for you to cry and I feel terrible for it."

"If you want my forgiveness then you will tell me what has been bothering you lately." I whispered back.

He glanced down to the floor and took a deep breath, "You really do not know?"

I knitted my brows, "Anakin, if I knew then I would not be asking you-"

Without saying anything, he leaned forward and pressed his cold lips to my forehead as his hand cupped my cheek. I froze in place and my breath hitched in my throat while my heart pounded in my chest so loud I would not be surprised if he heard or felt it.

We stayed like that for a few seconds until he removed his lips and backed away, but his hand remained on my cheek, "I am sorry, and I hope whoever you choose makes you laugh instead of cry." He said with a half-smile before standing up and walking away, leaving a cold sensation in my cheek where his hand used to be.

I sat up to stop him, "Ana-" But the door was shut and he was gone before I could finish his name.

I was debating on following him - he did not answer my question

, all he did was confuse me further. But then I remembered he left something behind, and I looked to the nightstand where I saw it; about half a dozen lilacs tied together with a white bow.

I gently grabbed them and inspected their beauty — I wonder if he is someone that I will ever understand.

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