1 - Perfect

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(Y/n)'s POV
I stood on the grassy terrain with a bow in one hand, an arrow in the other. I placed the end of the arrow against the drawstring, just as I was taught, and pulled back - aiming straight for the middle of the target ahead of me.

I got in the proper stance with my elbow vertical, before looking down the line of the arrow, and releasing. I watched with anticipation as the arrow flew through the air, but then groaned in annoyance as it hit the white outer region, instead of the small blue circle I was aiming for.

I forgot to take wind control into account.

I heard a snort from my right and I shot a side-eye at Anakin who was sitting in the grass with a book in his hand, "If I hear another snort from you, the next arrow will go between your eyes." I drew another arrow back against the string, pointing it in his direction to heighten my threat.

He glanced up from the book, amused, "That is, if you actually manage to hit what you are aiming for." He dropped the book down to his lap with a grin and waited for me to follow through.

I smirked, drawing the arrow back further, "I can assure you, that rather large head of yours will be impossible to miss." I insulted, but judging by his smile widening, I knew that it only amused him more.

Anakin Skywalker, he has been my royal guard ever since I was sixteen years old, meaning yes he has been around for nearly five insufferable years, and not a day goes by where he does not vex me, and I him. We also know each other better than anyone else, which comes natural when you spend every waking moment with a person, so we know exactly the proper buttons to push to get under the others skin. He is unreasonable, demanding, controlling, uptight, and he takes this job way too seriously.

Do not get me wrong, I do appreciate his protection and he has kept me out of many situations that would have likely resulted in something catastrophic, but there are also moments where he keeps me from situations that are not life threatening. Like enjoying my time sitting in a tree while I write and listen to the sound of the birds singing and flying free, I hardly see the harm in that. He can sit at the bottom and keep his eye on me from there, but no, I am not meant to enjoy such a luxury apparently — or really any luxury that involves stepping ten feet away from the palace unless I am going to a godforsaken ball.

Every single day we are forced to be around each other, minus the glorious Sundays where his guardian, Obi-Wan, watches over me instead while he has a rest for a day. But even on those days I still see him galavanting around the palace like he owns the place, flirting with every housekeeper with two legs so I never truly get a break from him.

He is infuriating to say the least.

Something I do happen to like about him though is that he does not talk to me like I am a Princess, he is not careful and he is not afraid to speak his mind. He makes me feel like a normal person with the way he challenges me. That is the only decent thing about him. He is still nothing but a thorn in my side.

"Well?" He raised a brow.

I chuckled and quickly turned the arrow towards the target to release, this time hitting the inner circle, flawlessly, "You are lucky I changed directions." I said with a devious smile.

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