Meeting the damsel in distress

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Part 1

A young woman is running and screaming down an alley way.

Y/N: Help, somebody help!

Thug: I'm gonna get you girl.

Catches up and grabs you)

You: Mother fucker, don't you touch me!

Thug: oh come on babe, I'll show you a good time! (Throws you to the ground, Unzipping his pants and jumps on you.)

You: Get the fuck off me you sob!

Thug: (punches you) Relax I promise you'll enjoy it!!

You: Somebody, hhheeelllppp!!!

The thug hits you and bands your head to the ground and u pass out. Just as the thug is fixing to have his way with you, somebody grabs him from behind and throws him across the alley way.

He picks you up and carries you to Stark Tower.

Steve: Hey Loki, who's this! What's going on?

Loki: I found her being brutally beaten and taken advantage of in the alleyway on my way back.

I saved her from that brut and taught him a lesson.

Steve: Hey I know her! Come on quick, get her into the medical


Loki and Steve rush you into the medical ward.

Steve: Friday, get Tony In here and start the analysis on her.

Friday: Yes sir, Mr. Stark has been notified.

Loki: You said you know her? How?

Steve: it's a long story.

Natasha: Not that long of a story Steve.

Steve looks at Natasha discouragingly.

Natasha: You see back in the day. The good ole' Captain here used to date her, but he couldn't get over the past and couldn't let Peggy go. Although she was perfect for Steve, he just couldn't be unfaithful To Peggy.

So, he broke it off with her and broke her heart in the process.

Steve: Wasn't exactly like that Nat! Where did u find her Loki?

Loki: In the alleyway about a block from here. I think she was headed this way.

Steve: I wonder if she was coming to see me.

Bucky: Actually Steve, she was on her way to see me. I began dating her about 2 months ago.

Steve: Are you serious?

Bucky: What? You didn't want her! Besides y'all only went out on like 4 dates! You couldn't let go of the past! So she moved on! And I picked up the slack!

Loki: Would you both shut-up! Get out! She needs rest not to hear you two jabbering on!

Vision: Yes everyone out. Tony and I shall stay with her.

Loki: I'd like to stay as well. I did bring her.

Vision: If you insist, but let her rest.

Loki shakes his head yes and sits by your side.

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