The Unexpected Visitor

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You and Loki are sitting close to the fireplace on a white shaggy rug

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You and Loki are sitting close to the fireplace on a white shaggy rug. Your taste in furniture is a mix of modern and traditional but love the straight lines of architecture. Loki is looking into his coffee as to be deep in thought.

You: Penny for your thoughts

Loki: Can I be honest?

You. Sure

Loki: I don't understand why I feel this way. I don't even really know you that well, but I feel like I've known you for years. The more we talk and get to know one another, I find myself feeling more feelings than I have ever had before. I'm comfortable to be my true self with you and I find myself longing for your touch, your embrace. To feel your skin next to mine. I have never felt this way about anyone. But I know its not the right time, especially since James and the current situation. I cannot ask you to start seeing me.

You: Why not?

Loki: It would be wrong, and not the correct time.

You: Shouldn't I be the one who should decide what's best for me?

Loki: Well, yes but...

You: Loki, I wouldn't of invited you here, into my home, my sanctuary, unless I wanted you here. This is my safe space. I never invite anyone in. James has walked me home plenty of times, but I have never invited him in. You are the first one.

Loki looks at you in surprise. He puts his coffee cup on the mantle and scooches into you closer to you. You look at him and smile. He gently puts his right arm behind your back, and you are now sitting hip to hip. He pulls you even closer to him and he grabs your cheek with the other hand and leans into your face. You are both breathing heavily and kiss. A long, passionate, wet kiss. Your body shivers with excitement and you begin to tingle all over.

KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK This knock breaks the kiss.

Loki: Are you expecting someone?

You: No.

Loki: I will go see who it is.

You: Alright.

Loki heads to the door and opens it. There stands James.

Bucky: Loki? What are you doing here?

Loki: Hello James. I brought her home and we are having coffee.

You: Loki? Who is it?

Bucky: It's me, ugh James. Can I come in?

Loki: I don't think she's ready for visitors.....

Bucky pushes Loki aside and heads inside calling your name. Loki closes the door and follows Bucky inside.

You: James? What are you doing here? I don't recall inviting you in.

Bucky: Well, I'm sorry, but I was worried about you. I went to the tower to go see you and Vision told me you left. So, I came here. I didn't mean to intrude.

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