V olljolen

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You carefully laid a hurt and bruised Loki onto the bed. He was in so much pain and is uncomfortable in anyway he lays.

You: Oh my love, I am so sorry you had to endure this mess. If I would've known what they would have done to you, I would've fought harder or better, something.....

Loki: Darling, it's quite alright. You did everything you could.

Knock on the door.

You: Come in.

Frigga: My darlings! Are you alright my daughter?

You: I'm fine.

Frigga: My son, my King. Are you alright?

Loki: Yes mother, just bruised. I'll be alright.

Frigga: Your father told me what had happened. I didn't know if I were going to be able to see you two again. Don't worry we have talked to Thor. He deeply regrets what he has done to you. (Looking at you)

You: Me? What has he done to me?

Frigga: Well, you know, he brought the Fire Giants here to take you away as payment for protection of Asgard.

Loki: He did WHAT?

Frigga: I thought you knew. Oh my God. I.... I'm so sorry....I

Loki: Where is Thor mother?

Frigga: Loki please he didn't know any better, he thought she was just someone using you for your throne. He did not know you loved her!

Loki: WHERE IS THOR??? THOR!!!!!

Thor could hear Loki's thunderous voice echo throughout the palace. The inflection in his voice gave Thor chills that ran down his back. He instantly knew that Loki was angry. Loki stood up from the bed and began searching for Thor. Though in pain, his adrenaline was too high to care about it. He marched all over the palace yelling Thor's name. You and Frigga quickly followed behind him. Loki finally found Thor in the palace gardens sitting next to the fountain, in tears.

Loki: Thor!

Thor: Brother, I know I was wrong please forgive me.

Loki: Why Thor? They could have taken over all nine realms, over Asgard. They could have kept her, (pointing to you) my wife, the love of my life, and they could have tortured her, killed her and if they had succeeded, I would have never forgiven you.

Thor: I'm so sorry brother. Please can you find it in your heart to forgive a foolish man? I beg you brother, I never meant to cause you any trouble.

Loki: Trouble is easily fixed my brother. I will forgive you, but only if you apologize to her for what you've done.

Thor: Yes, I will apologize. (Thor bowing on one knee to you) My new sister, my queen. Please let me express my sincere apologies to you. I was overcome by Volleum and was not in my right mind. Please accept my apologies.

You: Thor, lucky for you, it was Volleum that was able to remind me of the powers I carried inside me for these 600 years. How can I stay mad at such a big dumb animal? (laughs) Come!

You reach out your arms and give Thor a bear hug.

Loki: You can let go now brother. (smiles)

Thor suddenly turns you around and grabs your waist with your arms pinned down and the other hand holding a dagger to your neck.

Loki: Thor? Let her go.

Thor's eyes begin to blaze a red flame.

Thor: Come now, you didn't think it was only Volleum taking over his body and mind, did you?

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