An explanation and Thor's fate

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Thor: What are you going to brother, while I have you pinned down? Nothing! Absolutely nothing. Come on, on your knees!

Thor bends down and grabs Loki and makes him kneel. He grabs Loki's arms with one hand and grabs his chin with the other.

Thor: Do you see her brother? Her blood draining for her body, seeping into the ground, slowly dying. Withering away, and soon she will take her last breath, and when she is dead, my dear brother, I will dispatch you and I will be the new king of Asgard. I will take over the nine realms and begin to rule the galaxies across the universe.

Thor binds Loki with a locking spell and releases you from the force field. You lay there, weak and helpless. You lay completely still watching Thor waltz up to you.

Thor: My, my, my, look at you. Weak, helpless, unable to protect yourself. I think I will have you before you die and let my brother watch, as I make you mine. He hasn't even had the pleasure of your body, has he? Have you brother? (Laughs manically)

Loki: Thor, No, please.

You: (barely breathing) Thor.......please.......

Thor: Shhhhhhh, I can save you. Heal you, if you promise to rule with me, or would you rather die?



Thor runs up to Loki and screams in his face.

Thor: Do not tell me what to do brother, I will do as I please with your little beauty.

You: THOR!!!

Thor turns to see you standing and glowing in your crystal form. Completely healed. Thor becomes shocked and scared.

You: Release them Volljolen, or you will suffer the consequences at my wrath.

Volljolen: NEVER

You: Very well.

You begin to slowly levitate towards Volljolen with your powers in full effect. He begins to retreat and forgets about binding Loki with a locking spell. Loki rises but falls to the ground from being stabbed. You see Loki straining to move and rush over to him faster.

You: Can you heal yourself?

Loki: Yes, but I need time.

You: We don't time Loki. Give me your hand.

You grab Loki's hand and send a trail of your powers to him.

You: There. That should help you for the time being.

Loki: Ahh much better. He's mine.

You: No Loki, he belongs to both of us. That's how we defeated Volleum and that's how we will defeat Volljolen. I need you at full strength.

You and Loki begin to fight with Volljolen. The battle continues for a few hours and finally comes to an end. Volljolen was dispatched and finally you and Loki can finally relax. You both pick up Thor's battered body and help him inside to the healing chamber. You begin to head to your room and want to let Loki heal and relax from the battle.

Loki: Oh, my darling. Please tell me all this mess is over.

You: I can only hope so my love.

Loki: It seems as if the universe is determined to keep us apart.

You: I know love. But, after everything we have been through, you will be worth the wait.

Loki: We don't have to wait any longer.

You. (smiles) Come here.

Loki: YES MA'AM!!

You laugh at Loki and grab and kiss his supple lips. His hands begin to caress your body and pulls you in tightly. He grabs on to you, and embraces you tightly, and begins to sob uncontrollably.

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