James and the Wedding night

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All heads turn toward the congregation. You both stand there in shock.

Odin: What's the meaning of this?

You: James?

Bucky begins madly walking towards you and Loki. Loki's eyes begin to flare, and his temper begins to rise.

Bucky: Are you kidding me with this right now?

You: What....

Loki: Stand down James.

Bucky: I will not stand down. I can't believe you would marry this joker only after what a week? You were with me for two months and I asked you multiple times.

You: Yeah, and I always said no.

Bucky: A week? Why? Why him and not me. I love you, God Damnit.

You: I didn't want you James. Not like that. I'm happy ok.

Loki: She has chosen her path James. I say only once more.....STAND DOWN.

Bucky: What are you going to do flame boy? You wanna fight for her?

Loki: I will fight whoever stands in our way.

Bucky: Oh big man, tough guy huh? Alright, come on!

You: ENOUGH!!! James, it is over, it's been over. I am going to marry Loki and there is nothing you can say or do that will stop me.

Bucky: Come on Loki, is she going to fight your battles for you. Come on! I'm ready!


You turned into your crystal form and a loud gasp from the congregation is heard.

Bucky: What the hell?

You: I can fight my own battles. Now go, before you make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.

Bruce: YAH!!!!! (Hands raised up in jubilation)

Loki smiles at you and James begins to retreat. Steve reaches for Bucky pulling him back into place.

Steve: Come on big man. Sorry for the interruption folks, please continue.

Bucky: NO!!! Damn it Steve, let me go! I can't let her do this. I love her.

Steve taking Bucky aside.

Steve: Dude, what are you doing? Loki will kill you.

Bucky: Like I fucking care! She doesn't belong with him.

Steve: Bucky, you can't do this.

Loki: Rogers, take him out of here, or I will!

Odin: Leave my Palace this instant or you shall............

Bucky is fighting with Steve to let him go.

Steve: I've got him, sir. I apologize. Come on Bucky. Come on man don't do this. Alright?

Bucky: Steve, I....

Steve: I know buddy, I know. Come on, let's go outside.

Loki: BUCK!

Bucky: What Loki?

Loki looking at you.

Loki: (whispers) Darling, would you mind if we put this on hold for just a minute so that we may talk to him. Maybe it will help.

You: Maybe your right. (Turning to Odin) Excuse my King, may we postpone the presentation for just a bit so that we may deal with this situation at hand?

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