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Loki heads to the small kitchen window and see his beloved crying. His heart is hurting at what just transpired between the two.

Loki Thinking: Maybe she's right. To ask her to do this only after 4 days, is a bit bold. Even though I knew how she felt about it. What was I thinking? Of course she doesn't understand our ways. Midgardians take their time, and I rushed her and just assumed she would do this. I must speak with her.

Loki heads outside to find you.

Loki: Darling? May I speak with you? Darling?

You: (muffled scream) Loki......

Loki: (yelling) Darling?

Loki begins to run towards you as he sees you being dragged away by somebody.

You: LOKI.......

FLASH of light

Loki: Oh God, no! NOOO!!!!

Loki is beside himself. He begins to panic. Who has taken you? Loki then calls upon Heimdall to help him. Heimdall then transports Loki to the Bifrost.

Heimdall: My prince.

Loki: Who has taken her?

Heimdall: She was taken to a fire realm.

Loki: A fire realm? Do you mean someone from Muspelheim had taken her?

Heimdall: No. There is another realm, a tenth realm.

Loki: There is no such place outside of the Nine realms.

Heimdall: There is such a place.

Loki: Who has taken her Heimdall? I MUST know, NOW!

Heimdall: You must speak with your father.

Loki: What would my father know about this?

Heimdall: He knows of which realm I speak.



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Odin: Loki!

Loki: Father! Do you know what just happened?

Odin: Yes.

Loki: Father?

Odin: A fire realm, outside of the Nine realms. There once were 10 realms. This realm was banished from the Nine Realms, because of its destructive behavior. They set fire to entire worlds, draining all the resources from each world they destroyed. The fires would burn people alive, but they would continue to burn forever as punishment for not obeying them. I and the Valkyries, were able to destroy all those of the Fire realm, known as Nasjolenheim, or so we thought. We just got word that there were some left on the broken planet. We assumed they were no threat to us.

Loki: Not a threat? Father have you seen what they have done? They have stolen my love, right in front of my eyes, and I could do nothing.

Odin: Love? She is just a Midgardian my son.

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