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Odin: Thor?

Thor: It's all my fault father.

Odin: How is it your fault? I don't understand.

Thor: I brought the dark shadows from Nasjolenheim, when Loki went to save her.

Odin: My son, Loki is a Jotun. He transformed.

Thor: No father, you don't understand. I had to make a deal with the Nasjolenians.

Odin: What deal?

Thor: Father, do you remember when the dark shadow left my body? It was then the deal was made. In order to save Asgard, I had to allow him to take our new queen back to Nasjolenheim.

Odin: Thor what have you done.

Thor: I didn't know her I didn't know Loki loved her or that you and mother had accepted her. I assumed she was just some tart wanting the throne. I'm so sorry father.

You: Thor you did what? How could you? Did the dark shadow take over Loki's body?

Thor: Yes! I'm sorry. I didn't know. I will help you get him back.

You: I think you've done enough Thor!

Odin: My dear, I think Thor will be willing to help fix the mistake he has made.

You: I beg your pardon sir. But he has done enough! I will fix this myself.

Loki begins struggling and fighting against the lock spell and somehow manages to fight his way free. You, Odin and Thor are shocked and prepare for a fight. Loki stands up and grabs your waist and pulls you up to his chest. He tilts his head and looks at Odin and Thor.

Loki: MINE!!!

Thor: Loki! Brother! You cannot do this. If you take her to Nasjolenheim, she will become the product in which her power will enslave all nine realms.

Loki: Henta en lo meh na fo Nasjolenheim.

Thor: Loki, I don't understand.

You: He said, Together, we will rule Nasjolenheim. Loki, let me GO! I will not allow you to take me!!!

Loki: You will come with me, you're mine!

You: Loki, please think about this, stop!!!

Thor: Brother please, let us help you.

Loki: I don't need help my brother! This is who I am.

With that, Loki waves his hand and transports you and him to Nasjolenheim, Thor and Odin scramble to find a way to get you and Loki back.

Loki lands on his feet and drops you. He calls out to his fellow frost giants. They encircle around you and Loki.

Loki: The Crystal!

The frost giants all chant and grunt and begins doing a dance around the circle. Suddenly Volleum comes from around the bend and enters the circle. The chanting stops. You can't believe your eyes. You were not expecting to see him, because you thought you had vanquished him to the underground.

Volleum: Hello Princess!!!

You: Volleum! I thought I sent you to the underground. How are you here?

Volleum: I never left princess. I just made you believe that you vanquished me. Part of me is inside Loki, possessing him. He brought you here for me. We will rule the cosmos together.

You: I will not have you ruin the nine realms with your nonsense. I am sworn to protect Asgard, but I will protect the other realms! You have no power over me!

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