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Morning comes and you're awake staring at Loki, asleep and holding your hand. You follow the shape of his face with your eyes, the peaceful way he sleeps on your lap. You reach over and run your fingers through his hair, caress his cheek. He gently moans and you quickly move your hand. You watch him grab your legs and pulls them closer to him. Just then Vision walks in.

Vision: Well what's this?

You: Shhh...Don't wake him (you whisper)

Vision: He was true to his word. He did say he would stay with you until you felt better. But I came to tell you that you are free to go. You seem to be just fine, we just wanted to keep you here over night as a precaution.

You: Thank you Vision, for everything. You and Tony have been so great. Y'all didn't have to take care of me so I really appreciate it.

Vision: You are most welcome. It was our pleasure. Glad to see you well and well frankly protected.

You: Did he really say he would stay with me?

Vision: Yes, and it seems to be true!

You: I didn't expect to meet this Loki.

Vision: This Loki? In which way do you mean?

You: Well, The kind type. I have heard so much about him being bad, The God of Mischief, but that's not who he is at all.

Vision: Perhaps he becomes his actual true self with you. Many of us have not seen this Loki either. Maybe it's just the company.

Loki: It's definitely the company.

You: Oh I'm sorry. We woke you.

Loki: No, not at all. ( he smiles)

Vision: Alright. I see you're in good hands. I will take my leave then.

You: Thank you Vision.

Vision: You are most welcome madam.

And with that, Vision leaves. Loki looks up at you and smiles.

You: Good morning sunshine. (you chuckle)

Loki: (smiles) Good morning. I didn't mean to fall asleep. I just wanted to stay with you for a minute and I guess I dozed off.

You: It's ok. I don't mind. I kinda liked it to be honest. It was sweet of you, thank you. Thank you for staying with me.

Loki: Your welcome. So, what did Vision have to say?

You: I can go home. I'm glad too. I need a shower and a change of clothes.

Loki: Well, let me help you from the bed and If you don't mind, I will escort you home.

You: Oh you don't have to do that.

Loki: I'd feel better knowing you got home safe. That's if you don't mind.

You: Ok. I'd like that.

Loki walks you home and on the way, you laugh and talk as if you have known each other for years.

You: Well, this is me.

Loki: What a beautiful building.

You. Thank you.

Loki: Which one is yours?

You: What? Apartment? Well all of them. I own the building.

Loki: Extraordinary.

You: Would you like to come in?

Loki: Yes, I would. Coffee?

You: Sure, come on in.

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