The Soft Sexy Side Of Loki

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The next morning:

Loki wakes up and looks down and see's that you are not there. He gets up and begins to walk around calling your name. He starts to panic because you don't answer.

Loki: Darling? Are you here? Hello? Oh God where can you be?

Loki begins to panic. He starts getting angry and anxious. He begins pacing the floor.

You: Loki? I'm back.

Loki runs up to you and grabs on to you holding you tight.

Loki: Where have you been? I have been so worried about you. I thought you had gone, I was Tears began to fall down his face.

You: Hey, hey. Shhhh its alright. I'm here. (grabbing his face and looking into his eyes) honey I'm here. It's ok.

You both fall to your knees hitting the floor. Loki holding on to you tightly while sobbing uncontrollably.

You: Sweetheart, where is this coming? I was only gone for a few minutes. I went to grab some tea from town. I'm sorry, I thought I'd be back before you woke up.

Loki: I thought you had gone, I thought you had left me. I was just so scared I didn't know where or what had happened to you.

You: Oh my God. You really do love me, don't you? I've never seen you so scared. I've never seen this side of you. I'm here, and I always will be here.

 Loki looks up at you with such anguish in his eyes, those big, beautiful sky-blue eyes

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Loki looks up at you with such anguish in his eyes, those big, beautiful sky-blue eyes. You softened his anguish, but his demeanor still showed a soul in torment. You get a feeling in the pit of your stomach, and you begin to breath heavily. Loki grabs you even tighter now and passionately kisses you. He rolls you underneath his body, pressing against you with is shuttering body. He kisses are deep, long passionate. Your heart is pounding so loud and hard you feel as if your heart will beat right out of your chest. He presses his ever so perfect body against you, and you feel just his hard flesh pressing against you, begging to come out. He moves his hands all over your body, caresses your heaving body. You want to let go of all your inhibitions, but you can't lose control. You promised yourself that you would maintain your composure but his hands.... His masculine hands know how to touch your body in the right way and knows how to work your body up into a fevered frenzy. You can't help but to kiss him back and hard too. Your hands begin to explore his sexy lean body. Your hands find their way down to his supple, curvy ass, and you pull him into your open legs. He begins to push and stroke against your soaked panties. You feel his hard member against you, soaking his pants in your creamy juices. You flip him over and you sit on his lap. He sits up and grabs your ass and kisses you. He then reaches up and grabs your breasts and rips open your blouse, reveling your plump milky breasts. He grabs one with his hand and begins sucking your nipple, while the other hand grabs your neck and holds it tightly. You let out a small gasp of excitement which seems to turn him on, even more. He grabs onto you holding you tightly and manages to stand up and sits on the couch with you in his lap. You begin rubbing against him. Dry humping him hard and fast. You are both breathing very heavily and your tits are bouncing right in his face. He grabs your hips and pulls them back and forth rubbing against his hard member. You both moan with excitement.

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