Thor plays the part

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Loki takes you into the bedroom and gently lays you on the bed. He crawls next to you and lays his perfect body next to you. He slowly reaches up to your hair and brushes your hair away from your forehead. He begins kissing your forehead, working his way down to your flushed cheeks, onto your pink pouty lips. He places one soft but quick kiss on your lips, followed by a long sensuous wet kiss. The butterflies in your stomach start to form and the rush of warmth fills your inner cavity with a distinct passion. You give into his lustful, yet gentle touches and he begins to unbutton your blouse. He then reaches up and pulls down your hair from the tight bun you formed, and he runs his fingers through your soft, voluminous hair. He stops for a min just to look into your sparkling eyes and smiles at you with admiration and love. He begins passionately kissing you and you clench your pelvis so tightly. The heat coming from his big beautiful bare hands upon your breasts, seep through the thin material of your bra. He somehow manages to conjure the clothes off his body without you even noticing. He lays there next to you, in all his naked glory, slowly undressing you, and enjoying it. He fully unbuttons your blouse, exposing your voluptuous covered breasts. He reaches down and pulls the tulle undercoat from your dress only leaving the silken skirt. He runs his fingers down your body, leaving small kisses along your chest, over your breasts and finds the zipper to your silk skirt. He begins to unzip your zipper, slowly, seductively, and smirks along the way. And with a wave of his hand, he simultaneously manages to pull off your skirt and undo your bra and toss it to the floor. There you both are, naked laying on the bed next to one another. Loki can't help but admire the perfectness of your body, every curve, every inch of you is perfection in his eyes. He wraps his arms around you and begins kissing you. His combination of his warm embrace and passionate kisses sends lighting bolts through your entire body. He positions himself in between your quivering legs. You feel him press up against you.


Frigga: Loki? Time to part from your beloved.

You both look at each other, He sighs and hangs his head low and stands from the bed in a rush, waves his fingers and now you are both fully clothed.

Loki: One min mother. I'm sorry my darling.

You: It's alright. All in due time my love.

You walk Loki into your living room when your doors open and there stands Frigga, giving Loki a stern look.

Frigga: Now, my son, we may not be having a traditional Asgardian wedding, but there are still some traditions that must be obeyed. Come now, kiss your beloved good night.

Loki turns to you and kisses you goodbye. As he is walking out the door, he turns and looks at you and smiles. He mouths the words....I love you. And with that, he's gone. Your doors shut behind him and you fall to the couch. Your head still spinning from what was about to happen with you and Loki. Your heart still pounding, your head reeling, your body shivering. You can't help but think about Loki being in-between your thighs. Still moist and wet, you reach down in-between your thighs to your aching core and start to rub your excited button. You pull down one side of your shirt, and pull out your firm, milky breast and begin pinching your nipple and flicking your clit. You close your eyes and imagine Loki, ravishing your body. Teasing you with is hard cock at your entrance. Think about how good it would feel, to have him stick you with his large, smooth cock. You can feel the anticipation building in your stomach. You repeat him saying I love you in your mind and it sends crashing waves of ecstasy through your body. You shudder and let out a satisfied moan. You sit back on the couch, trying to catch your breath from the intimate self pleasure you have given yourself with the thoughts of Loki still fresh in your brain. You head to your bedroom and begin to undress, when there is another knock at your door. You throw a robe on and run to your door.

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